Precautions on Train Operation during Foggy & inclement weather: Railway Board dated 12.10.2022

Precautions on Train Operation during Foggy & inclement weather: Railway Board dated 12.10.2022

Precautions on Train Operation during Foggy & inclement weather: Railway Board dated 12.10.2022



New Delhi, dt. 12.10.2022

The General Managers
All Indian Railways,
Konkan Railway Corp., Navi Mumbai,
Metro Railway, Kolkata,
Railway Electrification, Allahabad

Sub: Train Operation during Foggy & inclement weather — Precautions.

Ref: Board’s letter of even number dated 22.11.2017, 15.03.2018, 23.10.2018, 25.10.2019, 14.10.2020 and11.10.2021

Comprehensive instructions regarding preparatory action to be completed before onset of foggy weather and precautions and rules to be observed during foggy/inclement weather have been issued to Zonal Railways from time to time. The instructions issued by Board during recent years are cited under reference. A copy of detailed instructions issued on 25.10.2019 is enclosed for ready reference. In the above instructions it has also been advised to ensure the training, education and counseling of staff and crew, regarding working of trains during foggy weather before onset of fog.

2. The instructions under reference are reiterated. A feedback on the action taken regarding preparedness for smooth train operations during foggy weather as indicated in the instructions may be furnished to Board’s office.

Enclosure: As above.

(K.P. Yadav)
Executive Director/Safety-II
Railway Board

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