Revised Training Modules of Non-Gazetted Staff of Electrical Department: RBE No. 129/2022

Revised Training Modules of Non-Gazetted Staff of Electrical Department: RBE No. 129/2022

Revised Training Modules of Non-Gazetted Staff of Electrical Department: RBE No. 129/2022

RBE No. 129/2022

Government of India (Bharat Sarkar)
Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)

No. E(MPP)2019/3/44

New Delhi, Dated 13.10.2022

The General Manager (P),
South Central Railway,

Sub: Revised Training Modules of Non-Gazetted Staff of Electrical Department

Ref: (i) Board’s letter No. E(MPP)/2019/3/44 dated 27.01.2020, RBE No.10/2020
(ii) SCR’s letter No. SCR/P-HQ/EL/155/25/2021/Sangh/Union dated 01.9.2022 (Copy  enclosed)

With reference to your office letter mentioned at (ii) above, it is clarified that the revised training module has been issued to provide a common standard minimum training across Indian Railways to the employees/recruits of Electrical Department. The prescribed Standard training schedule is mandatory in nature and the rest of the training period, if any, shall be handled by the zone. It in no way changes the service conditions including overall training period of an employee which are governed by IREC and IREM.

2. As per the training module issued vide Board’s letter No. E(MPP)/2019/3/44 dated 27.01.2020 (RBE No. 10/2020), training module for 78 weeks has been prescribed for non-ITI Apprentice Technicians, which does not mean that it has reduced the training period in supersession of provisions of IREM. The training period will continue to be guided by Para 159(3) of IREM Vol.-I (1989 Edition), i.e. 3 years, which is applicable to all employees who have joined under the same conditions.

(Rent Yadav)
Railway Board


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