Promotions to Group ‘B’ posts on Indian Railways – Syllabus for professional subjects prescribed by Railway Board for 70% Selections and 30% LDCEs – Railway Board’s order dated 07.11.2022

Promotions to Group ‘B’ posts on Indian Railways – Syllabus for professional subjects prescribed by Railway Board for 70% Selections and 30% LDCEs – Railway Board’s order dated 07.11.2022

Promotions to Group ‘B’ posts on Indian Railways – Syllabus for professional subjects prescribed by Railway Board for 70% Selections and 30% LDCEs – Railway Board’s order dated 07.11.2022


No. E(GP)2022/2/4

New Delhi, dt:07/11/2022

The General Managers,
All Indian Railways/PUs.

(Kind Attn.:All PCPOs/PFAs/Dy.CPO(G) & Dy.CAO(G)

Sub.: Promotions to Group ‘B’ posts on Indian Railways – Introduction of Centralized Computer Based Multiple Choice Objective type examination (CBT) in all departments having Organised Services

Board has prescribed syllabus for written examinations held as part of 30% LDCEs for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts in all Organised Services. Besides this, syllabus for 70% Selection for promotion to Group ‘B’ post of APO has also been prescribed by Board. Now, in the context of introduction of Centralised CBT for 70% Selections and 30% LDCEs for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts, Board has prescribed syllabus of 70% Selections and have also modified the syllabus for 30% LDCEs for all Group ‘B’ posts in Organised Departments. Similarly, syllabus for Establishment & Financial Rules has also been prescribed.

2. A copy each of the Syllabus for professional subjects prescribed by Board for 70% Selections and 30% LDCEs for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts in all Departments having Organised services along with the syllabus for Establishment & Financial Rules is enclosed for information. These syllabi are applicable for Selections & LDCEs to be conducted w.e.f.1.1.2023.

DA:As above

(Meenakshi Saluja)
Dy. Director, E4tt.(GP)-III
Railway Board
Ph. No. 233047250
E.mail ID- [email protected] 

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