Payment of the arrears of Dearness Allowance and Restoration of Commuted Value of Pension after 12 Years instead of 15 years: Brief of Meeting of NC JCM with Spl. Secty.(Pers.), Deptt. of Exp., Govt. of India

Payment of the arrears of Dearness Allowance and Restoration of Commuted Value of Pension after 12 Years instead of 15 years: Brief of Meeting of NC JCM with Spl. Secty.(Pers.), Deptt. of Exp., Govt. of India

Payment of the arrears of Dearness Allowance and Restoration of Commuted Value of Pension after 12 Years instead of 15 years: Brief of Meeting of NC JCM with Spl. Secty.(Pers.), Deptt. of Exp., Govt. of India

Shiva Gopal Mishra

National Council (Staff Side)
Joint Consultative Machinery
for Central Government Employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi – 110001


Dated: December 5, 2022

All Constituents of the NC/JCM
Dear Comrades,

Sub: Brief of the meeting held with the Spl. Secty.(Pers.), Deptt. of Exp., Govt. of India

A meeting was held today with the Special Secretary(Pers.), Deptt. of Exp., Government of India, on Agenda Item No.27/SC/22(D/o Exp.) of the Standing Committee of the NC/JCM regarding payment of the arrears of Dearness Allowance.

After prolonged discussions it has been agreed by the DoE that they will examine the issue once again and will consult the MoF on the subject.

Staff Side also discussed the issue of commutation of pension as per our agenda item. Staff Side demanded that, restoration of full pension after deduction of commuted value of the pension should be done after completion of 12 years instead of 15 years. It has been informed by the Ministry of Pension that the case been sent to the DoE after the last meeting of the Standing Committee of National Council(JCM). Special Secretary, (Pers.), Deptt. of Exp., agreed to examine the issue and do the needful.

In the said meeting, apart from the undersigned, Leader Staff Side was also present.

This is for your information.

Comradely yours,

(Shiva Gopal Mishra)


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    Subramanian December 10, 2022

    Commutation of pension by central government staff is like taking loan from government, but pensioners are paying almost 1.75 times more during tenure of 15 years,bank intrest rates for fixed deposit also reduced,it is right time to consider for reduction of tenure from 15 years to 10 years so that sr citizens will get benifits.

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    Balachandran Nair p k December 11, 2022

    What is the result on the discussion.a big zero.

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    Ramesh Chandra Banerjee December 11, 2022

    Dear Misraji the entire cg employee and the pensioners are eagerly awaiting for the favourable outcome.Regards.president csir pensioners welfare association , Kolkata.

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    g.parthasarathy December 13, 2022

    It’s going on for long time without any fruitful result.

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    Uma paswan February 2, 2023

    I do agree with the very justified explanation advanced by Mr Subramanian,which needs to be given a priority consideration by the authorities concerned/Government of India.

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