Reimbursement of rent/Payment of HRA to Board level and below Board level executives, Non-Unionised Supervisors and CVO of CPSEs during their temporary stay (upto a maximum period of six months) in Guest Houses

Reimbursement of rent/Payment of HRA to Board level and below Board level executives, Non-Unionised Supervisors and CVO of CPSEs during their temporary stay (upto a maximum period of six months) in Guest Houses

Reimbursement of rent/Payment of HRA to Board level and below Board level executives, Non-Unionised Supervisors and CVO of CPSEs during their temporary stay (upto a maximum period of six months) in Guest Houses

F. No. W-02/ 0027/2022-DPE(WC)-GL-.XXIII/2022.
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Public Enterprises
Public Enterprises Bhawan,

Block No.14, CGO Complex,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-1 10003.
Dated, the 02 December 2022


Subject: – Reimbursement of rent/Payment of HRA to Board level and below Board level executives, Non-Unionised Supervisors and CVO of CPSEs during their temporary stay (upto a maximum period of six months) in Guest Houses run by CPSE/Central Government/ State Government/Autonomous Organizations etc.

The undersigned is directed to say that a reference has been received from CVC that some Board level and below Board level executives, Non-Unionised Supervisors and CVO of CPSEs are staying in Guest Houses run by CPSE/ Central Government/ State Government/ Autonomous Organizations etc. by paying the subsidized room rent charges and simultaneously claiming HRA.

2. The matter has been considered in this Department. It has been decided that Board level and below Board level executives, Non-Unionised Supervisors and CVO of CPSEs on their appointment/transfer/posting to a new station, necessitating change of residence, if they temporarily stay in State Bhavans/Guest Houses/Departmental Guest Houses run by CPSE/ Central Government/ State Government/Autonomous Organizations etc., may be reimbursed the amount of rent paid subject to the fulfilment of the following conditions: –

a) The official has applied for accommodation of his entitlement, but has not been allotted residential accommodation by the concerned CPSE.

b) The concerned Guest House should be located at the place of posting of the official.

c) The official must have stayed in Guest Houses run by CPSE/ Central Government/ State Government/Autonomous Organisation and submit rent receipts in support of payment of rent.

d) Reimbursement of rent shall be admissible upto a maximum period of six months.

e) No House Rent Allowance (HRA) shall be admissible during this period.

3. These orders shall be effective from the date of issue.

4. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

5. All Administrative Ministries/Departments of the Government of India are requested to bring the above to the notice of CPSEs under their administrative control, for compliance.

(Naresh Kumar)
Under Secretary

All Administrative Ministries/Departments of the Government of India

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