Forwarding of Employee Profile cum Transfer Request Proforma for Annual General Transfers 2023 

Forwarding of Employee Profile cum Transfer Request Proforma for Annual General Transfers 2023 

Forwarding of Employee Profile cum Transfer Request Proforma for Annual General Transfers 2023

Office of the Pr. Chief Commissioner of Income Tax
Andhra Pradesh & Telangana
10th Floor, Income Tax Towers, AC Guards, Hyderabad-500 004
Tel No. 040.23425475, Fax: 23241427/23240403

No. Pr.CCIT/Estt/21/AGT-2023/2022-23

Date: 08/02/2023


All the Heads of Officers
Andhra Pradesh & Telangana.


Sub: Establishment – Forwarding of Employee Profile cum Transfer Request Proforma for Annual General Transfers 2023 — Reg.


In connection with the Annual General Transfer 2023, Transfer Proforma in Annexure-1, 2 & 3 has been uploaded on the official

2. In this regard, I am  directed  to request you to get the hard copy of the Transfer Proforma printed out for circulation amongst the employees for filing the Transfer Proforma (Annexure-1). All employees whether they seek transfer or not must submit a duly filled Transfer Proforma through proper channel.  The  officers/officials  who  have  joined  in  this charge after December 2021 are required to fill in the detailed employee profile (Annexure-2) in addition to the Transfer Proforma (Annexure-1) for updation of their details in HR Database. Guidelines for filling up of Transfer Proforma is enclosed herewith in Annexure-3.

3. In respect of employees who do not submit the Transfer Proforma, it will be presumed that such officers/officials have no choice regarding their posting/station and the transfer of such officers/officials will be effected as per the existing transfer policy and administrative requirements. It is informed that all long standing cases will be reviewed during AGT 2023.

4. All the officers/officials requesting for transfer/retention under serial numbers 16 to 19 of the Transfer Proforma for AGT 2023 on Educational, Medical, working spouse and other grounds should enclose relevant documentary evidence in support of the claim failing which their request will not be considered.

5. I am also c1ii‘ected to request the Head of Offices to direct the officials/officers to submit the duly filled —in Transfer  Proforma  by 15/02/2023 and subsequently the same may please be forwarded to this office by 16/02/2023 positively for effecting AGT 2023.

Yours faithfully,

Encl: As above.

Dy. Commissioner of Income Tax
(HQrs)(Admn), Hyderabad


Source : Click to view/download PDF

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