Revision of CGHS Package Rates – Referral Process under CGHS simplified, beneficiaries can now be referred through video call : MoHFW

Revision of CGHS Package Rates – Referral Process under CGHS simplified, beneficiaries can now be referred through video call : MoHFW

Revision of CGHS Package Rates – Referral Process under CGHS simplified, beneficiaries can now be referred through video call : MoHFW

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

Union Health Ministry Revises CGHS Package Rates for the benefit of CGHS Beneficiaries

Referral Process under CGHS simplified; beneficiaries can now be referred through video call

Posted On: 12 APR 2023 6:11PM by PIB Delhi

Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has decided to revised the CGHS package rates for all CGHS beneficiaries. The Union Govt has also simplified the referral process under CGHS for the benefit of its employees.

After due examination of demands from stakeholders and taking into consideration the increase in costs of various components of health care, the Union Health Ministry has proposed to initially revise the CGHS package rates of consultation fees, ICU charges and room rent, as per details given under:

Revised CGHS rates:

Item Existing Revised
Consultation Fee –
OPD Consultation
IPD Consultation
Rs 150
Rs 350
Rs 350

ICU charges

includes Rs 750 for non-NABH hospitals and Rs 862* for NABH hospitals includes – monitoring, RMO charges, nursing care and in addition Room rent is as per ward entitlement of beneficiary –general ward / semi-private ward / private ward is permitted.

*15% more for NABH accredited


Rs 862 for NABH + Room rent as per ward entitlement


Rs 5,400/- (Rs 862 + Rs 4,500/- for Private ward = 5,362- rounded to Rs 5,400) including accommodation for all ward entitlements.

Room Rent –

General ward
Semi-Private ward
Private ward


Rs 1000/-
Rs 2,000/-


Rs 1,500/-
Rs. 3,000/-

The referral process under CGHS has also been simplified. Earlier the CGHS beneficiary had to visit the CGHS Wellness Center himself and take referral to the hospital. But now, if the CGHS beneficiary is unable to go, he can send someone on his behalf with his documents to the wellness center. The medical officer can refer the beneficiary to go to the hospital after checking the documents. Apart from this, CGHS beneficiary can also take referral through video call.


Revision of CGHS Package Rates - Referral Process under CGHS simplified, beneficiaries can now be referred through video call  MoHFW


HFW/CGHS Rate Revision/12th April 2023/2

(Release ID: 1915950)


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