8th One year Advanced Management Programme in Public Policy (AMPPP) during 2023-24 at Indian School of Business, Hyderabad / Mohali from 11th August 2023 – Railway Board order

8th One year Advanced Management Programme in Public Policy (AMPPP) during 2023-24 at Indian School of Business, Hyderabad / Mohali from 11th August 2023 – Railway Board order

8th One year Advanced Management Programme in Public Policy (AMPPP) during 2023-24 at Indian School of Business, Hyderabad / Mohali from 11th August 2023 – Railway Board order

रेलवे बोर्ड (RAILWAY BOARD)

No. 2023/E(Trg)/10/6

New Delhi, Dt:       .05.2023

The General Managers, 
All Indian Railways &
Production Units,

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Sub: 8th One year Advanced Management Programme in Public Policy (AMPPP) during 2023-24 at Indian School of Business, Hyderabad / Mohali

The Department of Personnel & Training is sponsoring 8th one year ‘Advanced Management Programme in Public Policy’ (AMPPP) conducted by Indian School of Business (ISB) which is scheduled to commence from 11th August, 2023. The programme is desgined as a one-year hybrid programe and will be carried out at ISB’s Mohali & Hyderabad campuses.

2. The program is designed to equip candidates with competencies to handle real world, real-time issues related to policy challenges. The programme will be delivered through a hybrid model comprising of domestic residencies intensive classroom sessions, distance and e-learning module, online preparatory and follow up sessions which will allow minimal dislocation of officers from their work places, thereby allowing them to continue with their current assignment/posing during the duration of the course. The nominated officers will be required to develop a ‘Policy Paper’ on the issue to be identified in consultation with the Ministries/Departments where they are currently working. Railways would need to nominate an officer of the rank of Joint Secretary or above as a nodal officer for mentoring and guidance of the sponsoring officer for developing the ‘Policy Paper’ and co-ordinating with ISB-H/M in the matter.

3. Eligibility conditions:

Length of service Officers should have completed 5 years of Group ‘A’ service as on commencement of the programme.
Age The officers shall not be more than 50 years on the date of commencement of the programme (53 in case of officers belonging to SC/ST)
Earlier Training The officers should not have undergone a training programme of 12-weeks or more duration in India during a period of 5 year preceding the date of commencement of this programme.

5. Course Fees:

(a) The course fee for the programme is Rs. 13.86 Lakh (Rs. Thirteen Lakh Eighty Six Thousand Only) + Goods & Service Tax (GST) as per applicable rates per participant. The fee is inclusive of classroom and online sessions, study material, boarding and lodging for the duration of residency. The nomination for the programme and payment of course fee shall be made by the Cadre Controlling Authorities. In case an officer is posted in an office outside his/her establishment, the nomination may be done by that office in consultation with his/her Cadre Controlling Authority.

(b) The pay & allowances as well as cost of travel to and fro from the place of posting to the place of domestic residencies shall be payable by the office where the officer is posted during the currency of the training. A one-time grant of Rs.5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand Only) towards books/stationery shall also be paid to the selected officer by the office, where officer is posted during the currency of training programme.

(c) The programme fee [Rs. 13.86 Lakh (Rs. Thirteen Lakh Eighty Six Thousand Only) + Goods & Service Tax (GST) as per applicable rates need to be paid in full at the time of joining the programme or/and in case within 30 days of commencement of programme.

5. Details of the “Terms and Conditions” of the programme along with application form and other documents are enclosed to this letter. Further details with regard to this programme may be ascertained from Mr Vikas Chawla, Manager, Advanced Management Programme in Public Policy, Mobile: +91 9889228354, e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]) and websites of Indian School of Business-Hyderabad/Mohali(ISB-H/M) http:/www.isb.edu/amppp and DoP&T Training Division’s website http:/ /dopttrg.nic.in—>Programmes —> AMPPP, ISB-H/M.

6. Duly filled application form in respect of suitable officers ((who are clear from vigilance angle and fulfills the eligibility criteria) along with complete information in Part-B (in prescribed proforma) may be sent to the undersigned in Room No.359(C), Rail Bhawan, Raisina Road, New Delhi-110001 with the approval of General Manager/ DG/CAO and with the concurrence of PFA of the concerned Railway/PU latest by 22nd May, 2023. Nominations received after this date may not be considered.

6.1. It is pertinent to mention that before sending the application for programme, it must be ascertained that application form along with Part-B must be complete and application forwarded has the approval of GM and concurrence of PFA as the same cannot be processed at Board office without approval of GM and concurrence of PFA.

7. In order to save time, advance copy of nomination forms may be sent to Shri Manoj Kataria, Section Officer (LTDP), Training Division, Department of Personnel and Training, Government of India, Room No. 403, 4th Floor, Block- 4, Old JNU Campus, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110067 (Email: [email protected] ) as well as to Dr. Aarushi Jain, Associate Director, Advanced Management programme in Public Policy, Bharati Institute of Public Policy, Indian School of Business (ISB), Gachibowli, Hyderabad-500032. A soft copy of the advance copy may also be sent to the Training Dte. Railway Board email: [email protected].

8. Nominations would be scrutinized and officers fulfilling the conditions of eligibility will be called for discussion by ISB. The discussion dates, time and place will be intimated to the officer by ISB. However, final selection will be subject to receipt of participant’s formal application, duly recommended by their Cadre Controlling Authorities and approval of the Competent Authority in DoPT.

DA: As above.

Signed by Jitendra Kumar
Date: 09-05-2023 10:31:21
Reason: Approved
(Jitendra Kumar)
Dy. Director Estt. (Training)
Railway Board.
Ph. No. 011-23047251
Email id: [email protected]

Copy to: All Board Members, Railway Board and Secretary/Railway Board.

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