Checking of the one of the prescribed proof of Identity by the ticket checking staff: Western Railway dated 06.05.2023

Checking of the one of the prescribed proof of Identity by the ticket checking staff: Western Railway dated 06.05.2023

Checking of the one of the prescribed proof of Identity by the ticket checking staff: Western Railway dated 06.05.2023


C 549/16/17/Instructions

Divisional Office,
Mumbai Central,
Mumbai – 400 008
Date – 06/05/2023

CTI (I/C) – GTR & ST
CTI (I/C) – BL & ND
CTI (Rajdhani) – MMCT

Sub: – Checking of the one of the prescribed proof of Identity by the ticket checking staff.


With reference to the subject quoted above, Railway Board through its various Commercial Circulars has instructed to check the prescribed proofs of Identity Which are valid for undertaking Journey in any reserved coaches on Indian Railways. The list is furnished as under:

  • Voter Photo identity card issued by Election Commission of India.
  • Passport.
  • PAN Card issued by Income Tax Department.
  • Driving Licence issued by RTO.
  • Photo identity card having serial number issued by Central/State Govt.
  • Student Identity Card with photograph issued by recognized School/ College for their students.
  • Nationalised Bank Passbook with photograph.
  • Credit Cards issued by Banks with laminated photograph.
  • Printed Unique Identification Card “Aadhaar” or downloaded Aadhaar (e-Aadhaar).
  • Ration card with photograph of passenger travelling.

However, it has been observed that during ticket checking duties in trains TTEs are not checking Identity cards of Passengers and are only taking attendance of Passengers.

In view of the above, to ensure that only genuine Passengers are allowed and security aspects are not compromised, all the ticket checking staff are hereby Instructed to ensure that the prescribed proof of Identity, valid for undertaking journey by the passengers in reserved coaches are checked properly.

Ensure rigid compliance and acknowledge the receipt of the letter

(Ramkripal Sharma)
For DRM (C) – MMCT

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