Setting up of NPS Oversight Mechanism – PCDA (WC) seeks status of option exercised by the NPS employees : Circular dated 25.05.2023

Setting up of NPS Oversight Mechanism – PCDA (WC) seeks status of option exercised by the NPS employees : Circular dated 25.05.2023

Setting up of NPS Oversight Mechanism – PCDA (WC) seeks status of option exercised by the NPS employees : Circular dated 25.05.2023

Important Circular

No. FC/II/NPS/Circular
O/O the PCDA, WC
Dated: 25/05/2023


The Officer in Charge
1. AN Pay (Local)
2. Pay Section (Local)
3. All sub-offices under PCDA(WC), Chandigarh

Sub: Setting up of NPS Oversight Mechanism in pursuance of Department of Expenditure OM dated 02.07.2019 in Ministry of Defence -reg.

Ref: CGDA HQr letter No NPS-CORR/12/2020-NPS/Vol-II dated 22.05.2023 and this office circular No FC/II/NPS/Circualr dated 24.05.2022

Please refer to this office circular cited under reference on the subject “Online facility to Nodal Office to capture the details exercised by Subscriber under Form I & II (CCS rules March, 2021)”. Vide this circular, it was instructed to all the PAOs to update the said details of all the subscribers mapped under respective PAO.

2 CGDA HQrs Office vide its letter mentioned under reference has requested the present status of option exercised by the NPS employees in accordance with Rule 10 of CCS (Implementation of NPS) Rules, 2021 in the following format.

Name of PAO Name of DDO Number of employees under NPS Number of employees who submitted option form in accordance with Rule 10 of CCS (Implementation of NPS) Rule, 2021 Reason behind non-submission of option form

3 It is requested to forward the status by 29.05.2023 positively for onward submission to CGDA HQrs.

4 Accord top priority.

ACDA (Fund Cell)

Copy to

1 The O/C IT & S Section (Local) – For uploading on the website of PCDA (WC) Chandigarh

ACDA (Fund Cell)

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