Standard operating Procedure for Hiring of Accommodation for all EPFO Offices – order dated 05-06-2023

Standard operating Procedure for Hiring of Accommodation for all EPFO Offices – order dated 05-06-2023

Standard operating Procedure for Hiring of Accommodation for all EPFO Offices – order dated 05-06-2023

कर्मचारी भविष्‍य निधि संगठन
श्रम एवं रोजगार मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार
मुख्‍य कार्यालय/ Head Office
भविष्‍य निधि भवन, 15, भीकाएजी कामा प्‍लेस, नई दिल्‍ली-110066
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066

No: CS-3/MISC/EC-CBT/PT/1384

Dated: 05-06-2023


Additional CPFCs(HQ)/Additional CPFCs, Zonal Office
Director, PDNASS.
All OICs of Regional Office/ZTI and District Office

Subject: Standard operating Procedure for Hiring of Accommodation for all EPFO Offices- reg

Madam/ Sir

It is informed that Revised Delegations of Administrative and Financial Powers for expenditures related to Physical Infrastructure Division (PID) as delegated by CPFC to the Subordinate officers of EPFO was issued vide circular No.HRD/51/Delegation of Powers/PID/796 dated 09.03.2023. The said delegations were placed in the 105th EC meeting for information. Chairperson, Executive Committee has directed that Standard Operating Procedures should be prepared for hiring of office buildings including addressing issues of conflict of interest.

In this regard it is informed that a detailed checklist as approved in the 55th EC meeting dated 24-07-2006 has already been issued vide CS-3/Technical Circular/59 60 dated 13-11-2006 (copy enclosed). Further, a Committee should be constituted headed by the Officer one rank below the approving authority to give recommendations regarding hiring of office building.

In regards to conflict of interest, detailed guidelines have been provided in CVC Manual 2021 (Chapter-I(1.4A), Chapter- IX (9.16), Chapter-XI (11.7)). The same should be strictly adhered to.

Yours faithfully

Col. Pravin Kumar
Chief Engineer

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