Relaxation to Agniveers for recruitment in Railway Protection Force/ Railway Protection Special Force from open market for the post of Constable : Railway Board order

Relaxation to Agniveers for recruitment in Railway Protection Force/ Railway Protection Special Force from open market for the post of Constable : Railway Board order

Relaxation to Agniveers for recruitment in Railway Protection Force/ Railway Protection Special Force from open market for the post of Constable : Railway Board order





भारत सरकार
रेल मंत्रालय (रेलवे बोर्ड)


New Delhi, dated 11.05.2023

Principal Chief Security Commissioner(s)/RPF,
All Zonal Railways, RPSF, PUs, Kolkata Metro,

IG (Con)- ECoR/NR,

JR RPF Academy, Lucknow, RPF TC/KGP


Sub:- Relaxation to Agniveers for recruitment in Railway Protection Force/ Railway Protection Special Force from open market for the post of Constable.


Pursuant to announcement of the recruitment scheme called AGNIPATH for Indian youth to serve in the various wings of the Armed Forces by the Government of India, it has been decided to provide following relaxation/facilities in recruitment to the post of Constable in Railway Protection Force/Railway Protection Special Force to those Agniveers who have successfully completed four years in the Armed Forces-

(i) 10% reservation may be provided to Agniveers in the recruitment to the post of Constable in RPF/RPSF.

(ii) Age relaxation of five years for first batch of Agniveers and three years to the subsequent batches of Agniveers to be provided over and above the existing age limit.

(iii) Agniveers will be exempted from Physical Efficiency Test during recruitment for the posts of Constables in RPF/RPSF.

(iv) The above reservation will be in the nature of horizontal reservation.

Signed by Sarika Mohan
Date: 11-05-2023 14:26:51
(Sarika Mohan)
Railway Board

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