Date of next increment under Rule 10 of Central Civil Service (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016- Circulation of DoE OM 04.07.2023 for Defence Civilian Employees

Date of next increment under Rule 10 of Central Civil Service (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016- Circulation of DoE OM 04.07.2023 for Defence Civilian Employees

Date of next increment under Rule 10 of Central Civil Service (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016- Circulation of DoE OM 04.07.2023 for Defence Civilian Employees

Government of India
Ministry of Defence
(Department of Defence)

MoD ID No. 11(3)/2016- D(Civ-I)

dated 11.07.2023

Subject: – Circulation of OM issued by MoF/DoE on “Date of next increment under Rule 10 of Central Civil Service (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016- Clarification’ — regarding.

All concerned are requested to download the OM dated 04.07.2023 which is stated below, issued by Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) from the website of MoF/DoE for necessary action/compliance. The provisions contained therein are duly applicable to Defence Civilian Employees paid from Defence Service Estimates. The same are also being uploaded on the Ministry of Defence/Department of Defence website under the link “Employees Corner/Seventh Central Pay Commission” to facilitate the immediate implementation.

S.No. OM issued by OM No. & date Subject
1. Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) No 04-21/2017-IC/E.III(A) Dated 04.07.2023 Date of next increment under Rule 10 of Central Civil Service (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016- Clarification – regarding.

(Subhash Chand)
Under Secretary to the Govt of India
Tele: 23012414


D(O-Il) D(Med) DoD/D(Works-II) D(AG) D(N-I) D(Air-III) D(CG)
D(AF) D(Q&C) DMA/Coord D(GS-II) D(GS-VI) D(BR) D(R&D)
D(GS-l) D(GS-IV) DAD/Coord D(Mov) D(Res-II) D(QA) D(QS)
D(Apptt) D(HAL) DOP/Coord (GS-IV) D(CSD) D(Civ-II)
D(IT)- with the request to upload this ID Note on the website of MoD at location: MoD> DoD> Employees Corner > Seventh CPC :- Hindi version will follow

MoD ID No. 11(3)/2016- D(Civ-I) dated 11.07.2023

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