Creation of a new Postal Division at Rairangpur by bifurcation of existing Mayurbhanj Division in Odisha Circle : Deptt. of Post order dated 06.09.2023

Creation of a new Postal Division at Rairangpur by bifurcation of existing Mayurbhanj Division in Odisha Circle : Deptt. of Post order dated 06.09.2023

Creation of a new Postal Division at Rairangpur by bifurcation of existing Mayurbhanj Division in Odisha Circle : Deptt. of Post order dated 06.09.2023

No. Q-13/13/2023-PE-I-DOP
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(PE-I Section)

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi — 110001
Dated: 06th Sept., 2023


The Chief Postmaster General,
Odisha Circle,

Subject: Regarding creation of a new Postal Division at Rairangpur by bifurcation of existing Mayurbhanj Division in Odisha Circle.


With reference to your Office’ letters no. EST/16-10/2020-(Re-org) dated 16.06.2023, 06.07.2023 & 07.08.2023, I am directed to say that the proposal for creation of a new Postal Division at Rairangpur by bifurcation of existing Mayurbhanj Division has been examined in detail in consultation with Integrated Finance Wing (IFW) of the Directorate. The proposal has been approved by the Competent Authority subject to the following conditions:

(i) As per the calculation of workload in accordance with SIU Standards of Divisional Office, there is no justification for the post of ASP in new Rairangpur Postal Division. However, Circle has submitted that there is necessity of ASP (HQ) in the Divisional Office. Also, one ASP post which is stated to be ASP (OD), will be available in the residual Mayurbhanj Divisional Office. In addition to this one post of IP as Office Supervisor is also proposed. Thus, it is requested to ensure that there is sufficient justification for the above posts w.r.t the approved Establishment Norms.

(ii) In the proposal submitted by the Circle, for the proposed Divisional Office establishment at Rairangpur, the arrangement of the post of Accountant is not mentioned. Thus, the Circle may redeploy post(s) of Accountant for the proposed Rairangpur Division.

(iii) From the submission of the Circle it may be seen that the ECR of Mayurbhanj Postal Division is 47.69, whereas the average ECR of the Circle is 27.43. The Circle average ECR seems to be at the lower end. Circles/”Units under the Circle” where the average ECR is below the total ECR of the Department/Circle (as per the case), may devise plans to improve the present position, as the lagging units having huge expenditure when compared to revenue earned, may add weight to the financial deficit of the department. Therefore, it is requested to take earnest efforts and devise plans to make sufficient revenue to cover the overall expenditure of units under them.

(iv) The number of posts to be redeployed may be based on the justification of the posts based on workload & approved Establishment Norms & it may also be ensured by the circle that there is no disruption in work of the unit from which diversion is made.

(v) The expenditure involved in the process may be reduced to the minimum possible and may be met from the allotted fund of the Circle. No additional fund may be allotted to the Circle in this regard.

(vi) The Circle may ensure execution of the proposed action plan for improving revenue.

(vii) The performance review (financial & work load basis) of both the Divisions shall be made after completion of one year.

3. In view of the above, the Circle is requested to take further necessary action and furnish an Action Taken Report in the matter to this office. The review after completion of one year is a mandatory condition of IFW, therefore, the same may be strictly adhered to. Further, the execution of the action plan for improving revenue as indicated in Circle’ letter dated 16.06.2023 may kindly be ensured.

4. This issues with the concurrence of Integrated Finance Wing vide their Dy. No. 75/ 2023-24/FA-CS(P) dated 05.09.2023.

Yours faithfully,

(Prabha Sharma)
Asstt Director General (PE-D
Tele: 011-2304 4822

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