Grant of Cash Award to Meritorious Wards of officials of PCDA(WC) for the year 2023 – PCDA(WC) 

Grant of Cash Award to Meritorious Wards of officials of PCDA(WC) for the year 2023 – PCDA(WC) 

Grant of Cash Award to Meritorious Wards of officials of PCDA(WC) for the year 2023 – PCDA(WC)


No. AN/XI/DAD DAY/2023

Date: 04.09.2023


All Sections in Main Office
All Sub Offices

Subject: Grant of Cash Award to Meritorious Wards of officials of PCDA(WC) for the year 2023.

Nominations are invited for grant of Cash Award to Meritorious Wards of officials of PCDA (WC) who have passed X and XII standard exams from a recognised board in the year 2023.

2. Eligibility criterion for grant of Cash Award is passing X or XII examination in 2023 with minimum 90% marks. Boys & Girls falling in the above criteria will be given a cash prize of Rs. 2000/- (Rupees Two Thousand only) each from the PCDA (WC) on the occasion of DAD Day on 1st October 2023.

3. All the officials of PCDA (WC) are requested to send nominations for the cash prize along with duly attested copies of Marks Sheets/Certificates latest by 15th September, 2023 (positively) to Sh Krishna Prasad, AAO (by Name) through e-mail : [email protected] (pdf format only).

(Satnam Singh)

Copy to:

  1. PS to PCDA – for information
  2. All IDAS – for information
  3. IT&S – for uploading on PCDA (WC) Website.

(Satnam Singh)

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