Guidelines for expenditure control based Expenditure Management in r/o FY 2023-24 : Cash Management System in Central Government

Guidelines for expenditure control based Expenditure Management in r/o FY 2023-24 : Cash Management System in Central Government

Guidelines for expenditure control based Expenditure Management in r/o FY 2023-24 : Cash Management System in Central Government

Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure
Controller General of Accounts
Mahalekha Niyantarak Bhawan, GPO Complex,
INA, New Delhi
Phone: 011-24665563, 24665564, 24665572 Fax : 24610126

E-mail ID: [email protected]

Dated: 09.10.2023


Subject: Cash Management System in Central Government — Guidelines for expenditure control based Expenditure Management in r/o FY 2023-24.

The reference is invited to Budget Division, M/o Finance O. M. No. F.No. 12(13)-B(W&M)/2020 dated 30.06.2023 on the subject cited above.

2. In order to analyze the trend of expenditure during 2nd half of the financial year and provide necessary inputs to M/o Finance, it is requested to provide the actual expenditure upto September, 2023 and the anticipated expenditure for the year under various Grants in your Ministry / Department to this office in the format given below by 13th October, 2023 positively by email at dama-cga[@]

Grant No and Name : _________________________

Section Budget Estimates 2023-24 Actual expenditure upto Sept. 2023 Anticipated expenditure in Q3 (Oct-Dec 23) Anticipated expenditure in Q4 (Dec 23-Mar 24) Total Projected Expenditure during 2023-24

This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

(Shailendra Kumar)
Jt. Controller General of Accounts


  1. All Pr.CCAs/CCAs/CAs with independent charge
  2. Director of Accounts, D/o Posts
  3. Director of Accounts, D/o Telecommunications
  4. Jt.-CGDA, M/o Defence
  5. Director of Accounts, M/o Railway
  6. Sr AO (ITD) is requested to upload on CGA website.

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