Timely submission of Immovable Property Return for the year 2023 onwards – CGDA

Timely submission of Immovable Property Return for the year 2023 onwards – CGDA

Timely submission of Immovable Property Return for the year 2023 onwards – CGDA

रक्षा लेखा महानियंत्रक, उलान बटार रोड, पालम, दिल्ली कैंट-10

No. AN/I/Property / Misc.

Date: 30.10.2023


(i) PC’sDA/PIFA’s/C’sDA/IFA’s

(ii) All IDAS Officers
(Through Website only)

Sub: Timely submission of Immovable Property Return for the year 2023 onwards.

In terms of GID No. 22 of Rule 18 of C.C.S (Conduct) Rules 1964, “ In accordance with the instructions contained in M.H.A, O.M No. 25/10/55-Estt. (A), dated the 12th January 1956, every Government servant holding a Group ‘A’ or ‘B’ post is required to submit the immovable property return in the prescribed form in respect of every Calendar year by 318t January of the next year”.

2. The DOPT vide F. No.11013/3/2011-Estt.(A) date 23.09.2013, has requested to all cadre controlling authorities that the IPRs (to be submitted by 31st January each year) may be placed in public domain by 31st March of that year. A report in respect of Group ‘A’ service controlled by the Ministry /Department may sent to their Department by 30th April every year.

3. In terms of GID No. 23 of Rule 18 C.C.S (Conduct) Rules 1964, It has been noticed that these returns are not submitted in time in many cases. Ministries /Departments are, therefore, requested to ensure that these returns are submitted by all Groups ‘A’ and ‘B’ officers under their control in respect of every calendar year by 31st January of the next year. It may be impressed upon them that failure on the part of a Government servant to comply with the requirement of the aforesaid rule can form good and sufficient reason for instituting disciplinary proceedings against him. Strict action may be taken against employees who fail to submit the returns in time or furnishing wrong information.

4. In order to ensure timely submission of IPR’s by IDAS officer’s & its uploading in the public domain as per DOP&T guidelines, and to streamline the process of submission of IPR’s, it has been decided by the Competent Authority to call for the IPR’s for the year 2023 onwards, only through the SPARROW Portal.

5. All the IDAS officer’s are, therefore requested to login to their SPARROW account, through their individual ID and submit the IPR in the path as under; while submitting the IPR for the year ending 2023 onwards.

Login to SPARROW



Select Statement as on date

New Declaration

6. It is requested that the contents of this circular may be brought to notice of all the IDAS officer’s under your command and ensure strict compliance.

7. This issues with approval of Jt. CGDA (AN).

(Mugdha Kaur Jaggi)
Sr. Dy. CGDA (AN-I)

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