Upgradation of pay structure of certain cadres — surrender of posts: Railway Board Order dated 08.11.2023

Upgradation of pay structure of certain cadres — surrender of posts: Railway Board Order dated 08.11.2023

Upgradation of pay structure of certain cadres — surrender of posts: Railway Board Order dated 08.11.2023


No. PC-VII/2023/RSRP/2

New Delhi, dated: 08.11.2023

The General Managers
All Indian Railways and PUs
(as per standard mailing list)

Sub: Upgradation of pay structure of certain cadres — surrender of posts —reg.

Please refer to Board’s letter No. PC-VII/2019/RSRP/3 dated 17.11.2022 (RBE No. 155/2022) regarding upgradation of pay structure of certain cadres and letter No. PC-VII/2019/RSRP/3 dated 01.12.2022 regarding clarification on upgradation of pay structure of certain cadres. Vide Point 4 of Annexure-II of letter dated 17.11.2022, it has been stipulated that entire scheme of upgradation is to be financially neutral with matching savings attained by surrender of posts in Level-1 of the concerned departments. In case the Departments/Railways are not able to provide the matching savings, the particular category/department will not be granted the benefit of upgradation till such time alternative solution is found.

2. Subsequent to issue of letters dated 17.11.2022 and 01.12.2022, references received from few Zonal Railways and Production Units regarding non-availability of Level-1 posts in the concerned departments in order to surrender. This has been considered by Board and in order to the address the same, following course of action has been decided: –

(i) In case where surrender of posts in Level-1 from the same department is not available, surrender of posts in Level-2 having Direct Recruitment of the same department may be considered for surrender for implementing the upgradation.

(ii) There will be no change in the other conditions mentioned in Board’s letters dated 17.11.2022 and 01.12.2022.

3. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority and Finance Directorate of Railway Board.

(Jaya Kumar G)
Deputy Director, Pay Commission-VII & HRMS
Railway Board

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