Facility for applying for Leave through Mobile App of HRMS – Railway Board Order dated 04.12.2023

Facility for applying for Leave through Mobile App of HRMS – Railway Board Order dated 04.12.2023

Facility for applying for Leave through Mobile App of HRMS – Railway Board Order dated 04.12.2023

RAILWAY BOARD (रेलवे बोर्ड)

File No. PC-VII/2023/HRMS/15

New Delhi, Dated :04/12/2023

General Managers,
All Indian Railways
(As per standard mailing list)

Sub: Facility for applying for Leave through Mobile App of HRMS

Leave Module of HRMS was launched w.e.f. 01.08.2023, for digitizing the process of leave.

2. In order to further improve the user interface for employees, facility for applying for certain types of leave have been provided in the Mobile App of HRMS with immediate effect.

3. It may be noted that as of now, the mobile app feature will only be available for applying the leave and process of sanction needs to be done either through web portal ‘HRMS or through mobile browser.

4, It may also be noted that Mobile App is currently only available in the Android version not in IOS version due to certain technical reasons.

(V. G. Bhooma)
Additional Member (HR)
Railway Board
Email : pedhr66[at]rb.railnet.gov.in
Ph: 011-47847174

Source: Railway Board

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