Clarification on Increment Date for Absorbed Officers in CPSEs: 2017 IDA Pay Scales – DPE O.M. dated 11.01.2024

Clarification on Increment Date for Absorbed Officers in CPSEs: 2017 IDA Pay Scales – DPE O.M. dated 11.01.2024

Clarification on Increment Date for Absorbed Officers in CPSEs: 2017 IDA Pay Scales – DPE O.M. dated 11.01.2024

F. No. W-02/0017/2023-DPE (WC)-GI-I/2024
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Public Enterprises

Public Enterprises Bhawan
Block No.14, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road
New Delhi, the 11th January, 2024


Subject:- Standard Terms and Conditions for 2017 IDA pay scales in respect of Board level executives of CPSEs-Protection of date of increment in the event of appointment of government officers to posts in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) on absorption basis -reg.

The undersigned is directed to invite attention to para 1.6 of DPE O.M. No. W-02/0031/2018-DPE(WC)-GI-XX/18 dated 23.07.2018 on Standard Terms and Conditions for 2017 IDA pay scales in respect of Board level executives of CPSEs, which provides for grant of annual increment as follows:-

“He/She will be eligible to draw his/her annual increment @ 3% of basic pay on the anniversary date of his/her appointment in the scale referred to in para 1.4 above and further increments on the same date in subsequent years until the maximum of pay scale in reached. After reaching the maximum of the scale, one stagnation increment equal to the rate of last increment drawn will be granted after completion of every two year period from the date he/she reaches the maximum of his/her pay scale provided he/she gets a performance rating of “Good” or above. He/ She will be granted a maximum of three such stagnation increments.”

2. This Department has received representations from Ministries/Departments in the past seeking clarifications on implementation of the aforesaid clause, especially as regards protection of date of increment in the event of appointment of government officers to posts in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) on absorption basis. The issue so raised has been considered and it has been decided to insert the following below para 1.6 above as under:-

“1.6.1 In the event of a Government officer joining a Central Public Sector Enterprise (CPSE) on absorption basis with pay protection, the officer will also have the option to continue with his date of next increment in the previous employment under government.”

3. All other standard terms and conditions for 2017 IDA pay scales in respect of Board level executives of CPSEs in DPE’s O.M. No. W-02/0031/2018-DPE(WC)-GI-XX/18 dated 23.07.2018 would remain the same.

4. All administrative Ministries/Departments of the Government of India are requested to issue suitable instructions to the CPSEs under their administrative control.

5. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

(Rajesh Puri)
Deputy Director


Encl: As above


All administrative Ministries/Departments of the Government of India.

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