Payment of Enhanced Family Pension of Rs. 5,45,515/- after 4 years : Pension Success Story of Ms. Gurmeet Kaur through Feedback Call Centre & CPENGRAMS Portal

Payment of Enhanced Family Pension of Rs. 5,45,515/- after 4 years : Pension Success Story of Ms. Gurmeet Kaur through Feedback Call Centre & CPENGRAMS Portal

Payment of Enhanced Family Pension of Rs. 5,45,515/- after 4 years : Pension Success Story of Ms. Gurmeet Kaur through Feedback Call Centre & CPENGRAMS Portal


7.4 Name: Ms. Gurmeet Kaur

Gist of Success Story: Payment of Enhanced Family Pension of Rs. 5,45,515/- after 4 years

Ms. Gurmeet Kaur is a widow of the pensioner from Indian Army. She was getting Ordinary Family Pension at the rate of 30% of the basic Pension in place of Enhanced Family Pension, which is 50% of the basic Pension, since September, 2019.

Thereafter, she filed a grievance on CPENGRAMS Portal with registration number- (DOPPW/E/2023/0040145) in September, 2023 after trying her best to receive Enhanced Family pension.

The grievance application was sent to PCDA. After examination, a partial reply was sent to the complainant, intimating her that the case was transferred to SPARSH Authority and the payment would be made after resolution of the issue.

In the meantime, reminders were issued by DOPPW to PCDA for early redressal of the grievance. Thereafter, her complaint was closed and the corrigendum PPO was generated on 09.12.2023 in which Enhanced Family Pension was granted w.e.f 20.09.2019 and arrears of Family Pension of Rs 5,45,515/- was received by her.


Source: DoPPW

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