Payment of correct rate of Pension and arrears after 17 years : Pension Success Story of Mr. Trilochan Das through Feedback call centre and Portal

Payment of correct rate of Pension and arrears after 17 years : Pension Success Story of Mr. Trilochan Das through Feedback call centre and Portal

Payment of correct rate of Pension and arrears after 17 years : Pension Success Story of Mr. Trilochan Das through Feedback call centre and Portal


7.3. Name: Mr. Trilochan Das

Gist of Success Story: Payment of correct rate of Pension and arrears after 17 years

Mr. Trilochan Das was retired from Indian Army in 2004. His grievance was that the Pension Disbursing Bank was not paying him the correct rate of Service element as per the provisions of Circular no. 568, 555, 570 and 666, issued by PCDA, Ministry of Defence, since 2006.

He started following up the matter with PCDA in November, 2018. In December, 2023, PCDA issued letter to Pension Disbursing Bank with the direction to disburse the pension as per the correct rate of service element.

Simultaneously, he filed a grievance on CPENGRAMS Portal with registration number- DOPPW/E/2023/0058165 and uploaded the order of PCDA with the complaint. The grievance was sent to DFS(BD) which in turn forwarded it to UCO Bank, the Pension Disbursing Bank with the direction to examine and settle the complaint as per the rules within a time bound manner.

The CPPC of the concerned Bank took up the matter and the grievance was closed on 14th December, 2023 with the noting that the pension in respect of Mr. Trilochan Das w.e.f. 01-01-2006 as per Record office letter dated 06-12-2023 has been revised. Arrear amounting Rs. 496268/- for the period from 01-01-2006 to 30-06-2019 as per Circular No. 568, 555 & 570/- has been credited to the pensioners account on 13-12-2023. Also, Arrear under OROP-II amounting Rs. 245088/- has also been credited on 13-12-2023.

Hence, he finally received his arrears of pension of Rs.7,41,356/- and correct pension was also started.

pension-success-story-trilochan-dasSource: DoPPW

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