Sanction of pension after 15 years  – DoP&PW Success story

Sanction of pension after 15 years  – DoP&PW Success story

Sanction of pension after 15 years  – DoP&PW Success story

Success Story – DoP&PW

2. Sanction of pension after 15 years.

Sh. A S Hariharakumar, an employee of Cost Accounts Branch of Department of Expenditure retired on his own volition in 2008 under FR 56(k). Initially, he filed a petition in Central Administrative Tribunal for withdrawal of his voluntary retirement, which was dismissed. He later submitted the pension papers in 2018. However, his pension case was not processed on the ground that his qualifying service was only 16 years (i.e. less than 20 years). He registered a grievance No. DOPPW/P/2022/09712 at CPENGRAMS portal on 5.09.2022 claiming pension on his voluntary retirement.

The Grievance was taken up for consideration in the Pension Adalat on 17th May, 2023. Neither the petitioner nor any representative of the Department attended the Pension Adalat. The matter was considered ex-parte. The Department was asked to expedite action and to communicate decision taken in the matter.

Department has informed that a PPO for payment of pension to Shri Hariharakumar has been issued and sent to the Central Pension Accounting Office on for issuing the Special Seal Authority.


Source: DoP&PW

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