Amendment of Rule 50 of CCS-Pension Rules – Department of Telecommunications OM dated 24-01-2024
No. 36-03/2019-Pen(T)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications
(Pension Section)
Room No.514, Sanchar Bhawan
20, Ashoka Road, New Delhi
Dated: 24-01-2024
Subject: Circulation of DoP&PW OM No. 1/1(1)/2023-P&PW(E) dated 01.01.2024- regarding amendment in Rule 50 of CCS(Pension) Rules, 2021 to allow female Government servants/female pensioner to nominate her child/children for family pension in precedence to her husband in the event of marital discord leading to filing of divorce proceedings in a Court of Law or filing a case under Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act or Dowry Prohibition Act or Indian Penal Code.
The undersigned is directed to circulate the above mentioned DoP&PW OM to all concerned for information and necessary action.
Encl: As above
Signed by Kuldeep Kumar
Date: 24-0-2024 13:13:02
(Kuldeep Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel No. 23036073
Email: [email protected]
1. All Cadre Controlling Authorities i.e. DDG(Pers), DDG(E&T), DDG(C&A),
DDG(Estt.), JS(A)
2. CGCA in respect of all CCA/Pr. CCA offices
3. DG(T) in respect of all LSA offices
4. Sr. DDG(TEC), Khurshid Lal Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi, WMO/NCCS
5. CMD, BSNL/MTNL in respect of combined service opted employees.