Training Programs at ISTM – Training calendar for 2024-25 : Railway Board’s Training Circular

Training Programs at ISTM – Training calendar for 2024-25 : Railway Board’s Training Circular

Training Programs at ISTM – Training calendar for 2024-25 : Railway Board’s Training Circular

(रेलवे बोर्ड / RAILWAY BOARD)


Sub: Training Programs at ISTM – Training calendar for 2024-25.

The Institute of Secretariat Training & Management (ISTM) conducts various kinds of training programmes for officials of Central Ministries/Deptts, Attached /Sub-Ordinate Offices and PSUs. Annual Training Calendar of the Institute for 2024-25 is enclosed as Annexure ‘A’.

2. Detailed guidelines as well application procedure regarding Courses offered by the Institute may be seen at the ISTM’s website http: // under the link “Training”.

3. Official willing for any programme/course may apply online through the above website. Details of the undersigned may be filled up as sponsoring authority.

4. Hard copy (duly signed) of the application form should be sent to Training Directorate through the controlling officer (by minimum ED level officer) at least two weeks before the stipulated time limit for taking approval of the competent authority and forwarding the same to ISTM.

No. 2024 /E(Trg)/38/2
New Delhi, Dated: 05.02.2024

( Jitendra Kumar )
Dy. Director, Estt.(Training)
Railway Board
Ph: 011-23047251
e-mail: [email protected]

All the Officers and Branches in Board’s Office.

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