Empanelment of Ayush Hospitals under CGHS and CS(MA) rules for Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy – CGHS O.M. dated 15-01-2024

Empanelment of Ayush Hospitals under CGHS and CS(MA) rules for Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy – CGHS O.M. dated 15-01-2024

Empanelment of Ayush Hospitals under CGHS and CS(MA) rules for Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy – CGHS O.M. dated 15-01-2024

Ministry of Health &Family Welfare
Directorate General of CGHS
Office of the Director, CGHS
R.K Puram, Sec-13, New Delhi-66

Dated:-15 /01/2024


Subject : Empanelment of Ayush Hospitals under CGHS and CS(MA) rules for Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy.

With reference to the above mentioned subject attention is drawn to the Office Memorandum vide F.No.S-11011/90/2016-CGHS/(HEC)/AYUSH/PT-1/ dated 09th November, 2017 and Office Memorandum vide F.No.S-11011/90/2016-CGHS/(HEC)/AYUSH/PT-II/255-281 dated 05th July, 2023 whereby applications were invited for empanelment under CGHS from the NABH accredited AYUSH Hospitals and the following NABH accredited AYUSH Hospitals were shortlisted for empanelment. These Hospitals have submitted the MoA, Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) and letter of acceptance for the CGHS rates and are being notified as CGHS empanelled AYUSH Hospitals with effect from the issue of this OM upto 31.07.2024 initially, subject to the condition that these Hospitals have to on-board on the NHA platform within 30 days from the date of issue of this OM.

S.No. Name & Address of the Centre System
1 KRM Ayurveda (A Unit of KRM Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.), 77 Tarun Enclave, Parwana Road, Pitampura, Delhi—34, [email protected] Contact No.-9971935050,8076305253 Ayurveda
2 Ayukarma Ayurveda (A Unit of KRM Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.), 108 Silokhera Ajdacent Uniworld City, East Gurugram — 122001
Email-panel billing@karmaayurveda,com
Contact No.- 9971935050, 8076305253
3 Aprasu Ayurveda Panchkarma Centre, B- 1087-88, Avantika Chowk, Rohini, Sec- 01, Delhi -85
[email protected]
Contact No.- 9899066055,01143658218
4 Centre for Holistic Medicine, Ayurvaid Hospital, A/28-C, Court Road, Sector-11, Faridabad, Haryana-121006
Email-drakashdeep,[email protected]
Contact No.- 9810184303
5 Premadhar research Institute & Hospital, Deep Vihar, Rohini, Sector-24 Extension, Delhi-110042
[email protected]
Contact No.- 8860767949, 9911209156

The applicability of terms & conditions will be as per the MoA signed between CGHS and the concerned Hospitals.

(Dr. Manoj Jain)
Additional Director(HQ)-cum-Director, CGHS


  1. All Ministries / Departments Government of India
  2. Director, CGHS, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
  3. Addl. DDG (HQ) Addl. Director (HQ), CGHS
  4. JD (Gr. VAD(R&H), CGHS (HQ), New Delhi
  5. All Additional Directors /Joint Directors of CGHS Cities /Zones
  6. M.S Ayurvedic Hospital, Ali ganj, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.
  7. All Pay & Accounts Officers under CGHS
  8. Advisers AYUSH, Block B, GPO Complex, Pandit Bhagwan Sahay Vats Vitthi, INA Colony, New Delhi, Delhi 110023
  9. CGHS Desk-I/Desk-II/CGHS-I/CGHS-II, Dte.GHS, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
  10. Estt.I/ Estt.I/ Estt.III/ Estt.IV Sections, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
  11. MS Section. Ministry of H&FW
  12. Admn.I/Admn.II Sections of Dte.GHS
  13. Rajya Sabha / Lok Sabha Secretariat
  14. Registrar, Supreme Court of India /Delhi High Court Sher Shah Road New Delhi.
  15. U.P.S.C.
  16. Finance Division, Ministry of H&FW
  17. Deputy Secretary (Civil Service News), Department of Personnel & Training, 5th Floor, Sardar Patel Bhawan, New Delhi.
  18. PPS to Secretary (H&FW)/ Secretary (AYUSH)/ Secretary (HR)/ Secretary (AIDS Control), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
  19. PPS to DGHS / AS&FA / AS (DG) / AS&DG (NACO) NRHM
  20. M/s. of all Hospitals /Day Care Centres being empanelled.
  21. Secretary, Staff Side, 13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi.
  22. All Staff Side Members of National Council (JCM) (as per list attached)
  23. Office of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India, 10 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi
  24. All Offices / Sections / Desks in the Ministry
  25. Addl. CEO, NHA, Tower-L, Jeevan Bharati Building, Connaught Place, New Delhi-01
  26. Node Officer, CGHS (MCTC) with the request to upload the O.M. on the website of the CGHS.
  27. Guard File

(Dr. Manoj Jain)
Additional Director(HQ)-cum-Director, CGHS

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