Guidelines for posting and transfer of the officers of IP&TAFS Group ‘B’: Postal Department’s OM dated 20.02.2024

Guidelines for posting and transfer of the officers of IP&TAFS Group ‘B’: Postal Department’s OM dated 20.02.2024

Guidelines for posting and transfer of the officers of IP&TAFS Group ‘B’: Postal Department’s OM dated 20.02.2024

No: 2-25/2023/PACE/ART / 2107-82
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts

PA Wing, DakBhawan,
New Delhi 110001

Dated: 20.02.2024


Sub:- Guidelines for posting and transfer of the officers of IP&TAFS Group ‘B’.

In supersession of all the previous OMs/Orders on the subject mentioned above, the following Guidelines for posting and transfer of the officers of IP&TAFS Group ’B’ are hereby issued with immediate effect and will be in effect until further orders. These orders will be applicable to the IP&TAFS Group ‘B’ officers posted in Department of Posts and Department of Telecommunications :

A. Composition & Procedures of TPC

1. All Transfer Postings in IP&TAFS (Group B) will be considered by a Transfer Placement Committee (TPC hereafter). TPC would be a recommendatory body and the final decision will rest with the approving authority, which is Sr.DDG (PAF), DoP.

2. The constitution of the TPC will be as under:

i. Chairperson; DDG (F&PAA), DoP
ii Member; Director (SEA), DoT
iii Member-Convener; Director (PA-Admin), DoP

3. In framing its recommendations for transfer/posting, TPC shall be guided by the administrative instructions issued from time to time.

4, While recommending transfer postings, TPC will be guided by the principle of proportionate parity i.e. the functional needs of the field units where availability of officers is significantly low will be given due consideration.

5. While finalizing its recommendations, TPC will give due consideration to the critical staffing needs of the headquarters (DoT HQ, DoP HQ & CGCA).

B. Tenures

1. All IP&TAFS Group ‘B’ officers are liable to be posted anywhere in India under the Statutory rules applicable to them.

2. Post tenure for all the officers shall be three (3) years. It shall be counted from the date of assumption of charge of the post. Because multiple posts of IP&TAFS (Group B) cadre are available at all the stations, concerned unit heads shall ensure that officers are rotated internally on completion of the prescribed post tenures.

3. Station Tenure shall be as mentioned below:-

  1. Normal Station tenure will be for 06 years.
  2. Station tenure at 6 states of North East, Assam, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Jammu & Kashmir Circle will be
    1. 02 Years; for staff with more than 10 years of service in the government.
    2. 03 Years; for staff with service of 10 Years or less in the government.
  3. Station Tenure at NCT of Delhi shall be nine (9) years. Further, if required for administrative reasons, tenure may be extended beyond 9 years for officers posted at DoP HQ/ DoT HQ/CGCA in exceptional circumstances.
  4. However, an officer may not be reposted to the same department after completion of two successive post tenures

4. The tenure in the present place of posting will be counted from the date of joining of the officer in that station. It shall exclude the period of deputation. Similarly, the periods of long leaves, trainings and attachments away from the station etc. when exceeding 30 days continuously will also be excluded for computing the station tenure. This may be taken into consideration while compiling Stay particulars.

5. Posting of the officers in the 6 states of North East, Assam, Andaman & Nicobar and Jammu & Kashmir will be treated as posting at hard tenure station. Period spent on leave and long term trainings, continuous or otherwise, when exceed 15 days in an year, will be completely (not just the excess portion) deducted for counting the period of tenure. This may be taken into consideration while compiling Stay particulars.

6. Having completed the hard tenure, the officer may be accommodated preferably at the choice stations save for critical administrative exigencies.

7. The station tenure of any officer can be extended under exceptional circumstances.

C. Time Schedule of activities

1. TPC will meet at least once every year, preferably in the month of February for routine annual rotational transfer for officers completing their tenures as on 31st March of the same year.

2. If there are any midterm requirements arising from officers viz. transfer-requests, promotions, etc., subsequent meetings can also be convened.

3. The approving authority may issue transfer/posting orders on a case-to-case basis under exceptional administrative exigencies without convening the meeting of TPC.

D. Compliance to the Transfer Posting orders & Representations

1. All the transfer-posting orders shall have to be complied within 30 days of the issuance of the orders.

2. If relieving of the officer within the due date is difficult due to administrative reasons, head of the concerned unit shall immediately seek necessary approval from Sr. DDG (PAF).

3. Individual representations against the transfer-posting orders, shall be addressed to the approving authority i.e. Sr. DDG (PAF), DoP HQ only. Such representations should reach DoP HQ, through proper channel, within 15 days of the issuance of the orders. The representations received after due date may not be considered.

4. If officer is not relieved within 30 days of the issuance of the Transfer Posting orders, or within the time frame as agreed to by Sr. DDG (PAF) in disposal of the administrative reference, as the case may be, the officer concerned shall be struck-off from the strength of the respective unit after observing due procedure by PA Wing. Thereafter the salary & allowances of the officer shall not be drawn by the unit from which he is transferred.

E. Request Transfers

Officers may submit transfer requests through proper channel, only after serving for two years at the present place of posting. Two years shall be counted from the date of joining. The transfer applications may be entertained only in exceptional medical cases, if preferred before completion of the prescribed two years.

F. Special provisions-

1) The officers superannuating within two years from the crucial date of counting the tenure, as far as possible shall not be disturbed from the place of posting. They may be accommodated in their home circles subject to the extent of availability of vacancies and administrative exigencies.

2) Administration shall endeavor to ensure that once in entire career; all officers get a chance to serve normally one hard tenure, a tenure each in DOP HQ, DOT HQ & 0/0 CGCA (during 9 year station tenure at NCT of Delhi). However, an officer may not be reposted to the same department after completion of two successive post tenures.

3) For posting of Group ‘B’ officers to NICF, recommendations of DG (NICF) may be obtained.

4) TPC may consider the place of posting of the spouse and strive to ensure that both husband and wife are posted at the same station. Similarly, consideration may be given for the medical needs of the differently abled children, education needs of the children studying in 10th or 12th grade, etc.

5) Travelling allowance and other financial entitlements linked to transfers shall be admissible to the officer whenever transfer takes place on completion of the prescribed station tenure or when transfer is ordered for administrative reasons.

6) Attention of the concerned officers is invited towards Clause 20 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules 1964, which stipulates that, no government servant shall bring or attempt to bring any outside influence to further his interests in respect of matter pertaining to his service under Government including transfers.

7) This policy shall be subject to guidelines/instructions issued by DoP&T from time to time on the subject, including orders related to special needs of certain categories of employees, special incentives for officers on hard tenures etc.

This issued with approval of the competent authority.

The Hindi Version will follow

(Joseph K Mathew)
Director (PA Admn)

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