Use of Aadhaar credentials as ‘Single Source of Truth’ for creation & verification of CGHS Cards

Use of Aadhaar credentials as ‘Single Source of Truth’ for creation & verification of CGHS Cards

Use of Aadhaar credentials as ‘Single Source of Truth’ for creation & verification of CGHS Cards

F. No. Z15025/23/2023/DIR/CGHS(Comp No.8236195)
भारत सरकार
स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य एवं परिवार कल्‍याण मंत्रालय
केंद्रीय सरकार स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य योजना महानिदेशालय

कें. स. स्‍वा.स्‍वा. भवन, दिल्‍ली
दिनांक – 28-03-2024

कार्यालय ज्ञापन/OFFICE MEMORANDUM

Subject: Use of Aadhaar credentials as ‘Single Source of Truth’ for creation & verification of CGHS Cards.

This is in reference to the problems faced by department & CGHS beneficiaries in case of mismatch of name spelling, date of birth or gender at the time of CGHS card application.

It has been decided that details contained in Aadhaar database of an individual shall serve as Single Source of Truth’ for purpose of creation & verification of Identity, Name, Date of Birth & Gender of an individual in CGHS database.

This issue is with approval of AS & DG CGHS.

Signed by
Manoj Jain
Dated: 28-03-2024 17:17:50

(Dr. Manoj Jain)
Director, CGHS

Copy to:

  1. All Ministries and Departments of Government of India.
  2. All Autonomous bodies of Government of India eligible for CGHS.
  3. All Additional Directors in CGHS.

Copy of information to:

  1. PPS to AS & DG, CGHS
  2. PPS to JS MoHFW, CGHS

(Dr. Manoj Jain)
Director, CGHS

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