Har Ghar Tiranga Campaign-2024 – Indian Railways instruction to hoist the National Flag of India from 13th-15th August 2024

Har Ghar Tiranga Campaign-2024 – Indian Railways instruction to hoist the National Flag of India from 13th-15th August 2024

Har Ghar Tiranga Campaign-2024 – Indian Railways instruction to hoist the National Flag of India from 13th-15th August 2024

(रेलवे बोर्ड) (RAILWAY BOARD)

No. E(W)/2022/SBF/4

New Delhi, dated 09.08.2024

General Managers (P)/DGs/CAO
All Zonal Railways/PUs, CORE &
All Centralized Training Institutes.

Sub: Har Ghar Tiranga Campaign-2024.

Ref: (i) Board’s letter No. E(G) 2021/CL-4/1 dated 07.08.2024.
(ii) Board’s letter of even No. dated 11.08.2023(Copy enclosed).
(iii) Board’s letter of even No. dated 21.07.2022(Copy enclosed).

As Railways are aware that under the aegis of ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava’, Har Ghar Tiranga Campaign has been launched to encourage the citizens to hoist the National Flag of India in their homes to celebrate India’s Independence Day. This year also Har Ghar Tiranga Campaign will be organized across Indian Railways from 13th-15th August 2024, as advised vide Board’s letter cited under Ref. (i) above.

2. In this context, necessary action may be taken for arranging National Flags for all, Railway employees as like previous 2 years, in accordance with the instructions contained in Para 4 of Board’s letter cited under Ref. (iii) above.

(Renu Sharma)
Principal Executive Director (IR)
Railway Board
Phone No.: 011- 23047172
E-mail: renu.sharma0110[at]gov.in

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