Revised rates of Dearness allowance (DA) w.e.f. Jan, 2024 and Jul, 2024 to Casual Labourers drawing CDA pay scale as per 6th CPC: BSNL Order dated 02.12.2024

Revised rates of Dearness allowance (DA) w.e.f. Jan, 2024 and Jul, 2024 to Casual Labourers drawing CDA pay scale as per 6th CPC: BSNL Order dated 02.12.2024

Revised rates of Dearness allowance (DA) w.e.f. Jan, 2024 and Jul, 2024 to Casual Labourers drawing CDA pay scale as per 6th CPC: BSNL Order dated 02.12.2024

5th Floor, Estt-II Section
Establishment Branch
TEL: 011-23734364, 23734051 (Fax)

File No. BSNLCO-A/13(16)/4/2021-ESTAB

Dated : 02.12.2024


All the Heads of Telecom Circles/
Telecom Districts of BSNL /Administrative Units.

Sub: Revision of Dearness allowance (DA) to Casual Labourers [including TSMs] to draw their wages in terms of letter No.269-11/2009-Pers-IV/LE dated 01.01.2010 in CDA pay scale as per 6 CPC.


With reference to aforementioned subject, I am directed to convey that daily wages in respect of Casual Labourers [including TSMs] drawing wages in the pre-revised 6th CPC CDA pay pattern in terms of letter No.269-11/2009-Pers-IV/LE dated 01.01.2010 and subsequent orders issued from time to time may be calculated by taking into account Dearness Allowance (DA) rates as 239% w.e.f. 01.01.2024 and 246% w.e.f. 01.07.2024 in accordance with the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure OM No.1/3(1)/2008-E.II(B) dated 03.06.2024 and OM No.1/6(1)/2024-E.II(B) dated 07.11.2024 respectively.

This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

Yours faithfully,

(Keshav Kumar)
Asstt. General Manager (Estt.II)

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