BSNL VRS: Payment for 2nd installment of Ex-gratia – Instructions reg.

BSNL VRS: Payment for 2nd installment of Ex-gratia – Instructions reg.

BSNL VRS: Payment for 2nd installment of Ex-gratia – Instructions reg.

A Government of India Enterprise)

Establishment Cell
Bharat Sanchar Bhawan
H.C. Mathur Lane, New Delhi-01


F. No. BSNLCO-A/11(11)/10/2020-ESTAB

Dated: 27th June, 2020


All Heads of Telecom Circles &
All Heads of other Administrative Units
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

Sub: Payment for 2nd installment of Ex-gratia in respect of employees retired under BSNL VRS-2019 – instructions reg.


I am directed to refer to the above cited subject and to inform that sanction of fund for payment of 2nd installment of Ex-Gratia has been received from DOT. The fund sanctioned is equivalent to 22.5% of the total Ex-gratia amount. The payment of 2nd installment equal to 22.5% of admissible Ex-Gratia amount is to be ensured by 29.06.2020 i.e. Monday.

2. In this regard, you are requested to follow the same process in ERP system as was done at the time of payment of 1st installment. The process must be completed by today evening i.e. 27.06.2020 (i.e. Saturday). The fund request may be emailed to Banking Cell of BSNL Corporate Office on email address: [email protected] by morning of 28.06.2020 (Sunday) positively.

3. PGM(ERP), ERP Centre, ALTTC, Ghaziabad shall also in parallel provide consolidated circle wise fund to be authorized for payment to VRS optees and the TDS to be paid to Banking Cell on the above mentioned email address by Sunday noon positively.

Yours faithfully,
Asstt. General Manager (Estt.I)


Source: Click here to view/download pdf

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