Exemption to employees to mark Biometric Attendance in Aadhar Based Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS)

Exemption to employees to mark Biometric Attendance in Aadhar Based Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS)

Exemption to employees to mark Biometric Attendance in Aadhar Based Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS)


प्रधान मुख्य कार्मिक अधिकारी का कार्यालय/
Office of the Principal Chief Personnel Officer
रेल सदन, द्वितीय तल, भुवनेश्वर – 751017
Rail Sadan, IInd Floor, Bhubaneswar-751017

स्थापना क्रमाक/ Estt. Srl. No. 85/2020

Date: 23.07.2020

सेवा मे,

सभी प्रमुख विभागाध्यक्षों/लमनन्‍्वयक विभागाध्यक्षों, पू त रे/भुवनेश्वर
म॑.रे.प्र/व.मं.का.अधिकरी/मं.का.अधिकारी-खो रधारोड,वालातेरू, संबलपुर,
मु.कारखाता प्रबंधक/कारखाना कार्मिक अधिकारी- मंचेश्वर, अतिरिक्त रजिस्ट्रार/रेल दावा अधिकरण,
उ.मु.का अधिकारी(नि.)/भुवनेश्वर
महा सचिवब/इकोर श्र. कां., महा सचिव/इकोर श्र. यू.,
महा सचिब/एआई ओ बी सी आर ई ए, महा सचिव/ ए आई एस सी एस टी आरई ए

Exemption to employees to mark Biometric Attendance in Aadhar Based Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS)-reg.


उपर्युक्त विषय पर रेलवे बोर्ड पत्र सं. 1(5)2017/,8-34 दिनांक 09.03.2020 की प्रतिलिपि सूचना मार्गदर्शन एवं आवश्यक कार्रवाई हेतु अग्रेषित है।

A copy of Railway Board’s Lr. No. E(G)2017/LE-34 Dated 09.03.2020 on the above quoted subject is forwarded herewith for information, guidance and necessary action.

Encl: As above,

Chairman RRC & Dy. CPOUR&W)
For Principal Chief Personnel Officer

प्रतिलिपि प्रेषित/Copy to:

  1. मह्ठाप्रबंधक के सचिव/पूर्व तट रेलवे, भुवनेश्वर

  2. मुकाधि/मुकाधि(प्रशा.), उप म.प्र, अध्यक्ष(रेलवे भर्ती प्रकोष्ठ)

  3. उप मुख्य प्रबंधक(सू.प्रौ), उप मुकाधि(औ.सं.एवं कल्याण), वकाधि(इंजी.)

  4. बकाधि(स्टाफ), वकाधि(मुख्या. एवं न्‍्याया.)

  5. मुकाधि के निजी सचिव/सहा.कार्मिक अधि.(मुख्या.),सहा.कार्मिक अधि.(कल्याण), सहा. कार्मिक अधि. (बिल),


रेलवे बोर्ड/RAILWAY BOARD

No. E(G)2017/LE 1-34

New Delhi, Dated: 09.03.2020

The General Managers,
All Zonal Railways,
Production Units
Public Sector Undertakings

Exemption to employees to mark Biometric Attendance in Aadhar Based Biometric Attendance System(AEBAS)-reg.

A copy of DOP&T’s Office Memorandum No. C-13014/1/ 2020 Vig dated 06.03.2020 on the above noted subject, is sent herewith for information and compliance.

Please acknowledge receipt.

DA: As above.

(Anita Gauitam)
Director Estt.(General)
Railway Board

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)

North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 06/03/2020


Exemption to employees to mark biometric attendance in Aadhar Based Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS) – reg.

Though only a small number of nove! coronovirus(COVID-19) cases are reported in our country but keeping in view the nature of virus, it is a must to take all possible preventive measures to stop spread of virus.

2. It is learnt that most common method of transmission of virus seems to be through infected surfaces. Therefore, it is desirable to avoid touching surfaces, Which might be infected due to human touch.

3, In view of the above, all the Ministries/Departments are requested to exempt their employees to mark biometric attendance in Aadhar Based Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS) till 31st March, 2020. However, all the employees are required to mark their attendance in Attendance register, (as done prior to launch of biometric system), during this period.

(Ajay Kumar Singh)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Ph: 23094579


  1. All the Ministries / Departments, Government of India

  2. PMO/Cabinet Secretariat

  3. PS to Hon’ble MOS(PP)

  4. PSO to Secretary(Personnel)      For Information

  5. Sr. Tech. Dir., NIC, DoP&T      For Information


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