Engagement of retired para-medical staff (in Group ‘C’) and hiring of para-medical staff (in Group ‘C’) on contract basis: Railway Board

Engagement of retired para-medical staff (in Group ‘C’) and hiring of para-medical staff (in Group ‘C’) on contract basis: Railway Board

Engagement of retired para-medical staff (in Group ‘C’) and hiring of para-medical staff (in Group ‘C’) on contract basis: Railway Board


No. E(NG)II/2005/RC-4/SC/2 Pt.I

Dated: 31.12.2020

The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/Production Units,
(As per standard mailing list).

Sub: Engagement of retired para-medical staff (in Group ‘C’) and hiring of para-medical staff (in Group ‘C’) on contract basis.

Ref: Board’s letter No. E(NG)Il/2005/RC-4/SC/Pt.1 dated 01.07.2020.

In continuation of this office letter of even number cited under reference on the above subject, it has now been decided to extend the engagement of retired para­ medical staff and hiring of para-medical staff on contract basis (in Group ‘C’) within the sanctioned strength and also over and above sanctioned strength to meet the requirements for handling the COVID-19 pandemic for a further period of three months beyond 31.12.2020 i.e. upto 31.03.2021 with the same terms and conditions as contained in Board ‘s letter cited above subject to clear availability of fund.

2. This issues  with  the  concurrence  of  Associate  Finance  of  Ministry  of Railways (Railway Board).

Director Est.(N)
Railway Board

Engagement of retired para-medical staff (in Group ‘C’) and hiring of para-medical staff (in Group ‘C’) on contract basis: Railway Board

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