Engagement of staff against posts of SSEs/JEs on contract basis the said scheme extended upto 19.11.2022 vide RBE No. 21/2022

Engagement of staff against posts of SSEs/JEs on contract basis the said scheme extended upto 19.11.2022 vide RBE No. 21/2022

Engagement of staff against posts of SSEs/JEs on contract basis the said scheme extended upto 19.11.2022 vide RBE No. 21/2022

RBE No. 21/2022


No. E(NG)II/2020/RC-4/2 (Pt.)

New Delhi, dated: 21.02.2022

The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways,
(As per standard mailing list).

Sub: Engagement of staff against posts of SSEs/JEs on contract basis.

Ref: Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2020/RC-4/2(Pt.) dated 15.02.2022(RBE NO. 19/2022).

In continuation of Board’s letter under reference, the said scheme extended upto 19.11.2022, shall include engagement of JTAs/Technical Supervisors for Project work in open line in addition to Construction Organization. There is no change in overall ceiling of 320 JTAs/Technical Supervisors with ceiling of 20 in each Zonal Railway whose deployment shall be decided by General Manager.

(A. Narayan Rao)
Deputy Director Estt.(NG)II
Railway Board

No. E(NG)II/2020/RC-4/2 (Pt.)

New Delhi, dated: 21.02.2022

Copy to:

  1. The Principal Financial Advisor, All Indian Railways/PUs.
  2. The Principal Director of Audit, All Indian Railways/PUs.
  3. The Dy. Comptroller and Auditor General of India (Rlys) Room No. 224, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi

For Member (Finance)/Railway Board

Copy to: DG/HR, DG/RHS, AM/Staff, EDF (E), DDF(E)I & F(E)II Branch of Railway Board.

Source: Click to view/download PDF

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