Permission to travel by private airlines on the sectors where Air India does not operate its flight – O.M. dated 05.06.2017

Permission to travel by private airlines on the sectors where Air India does not operate its flight – O.M. dated 05.06.2017

Permission to travel by private airlines on the sectors where Air India does not operate its flight – O.M. dated 05.06.2017

No. AV-18050/1/2017-Al
Government of India
Ministry of Cival Aviation

Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan,
Safdarjung Airport
New Delhi- 110003,
Dated: 05.06.2017


Subject: Permission to travel by private airlines on the sectors where Air India does not operate its flight.

The undersigned is directed to refer to Department of Expenditure’s D.O. latter No. 19024/1/2016-E.1V, dated 23rd May, 2017 ragarding grant of general/blanket relaxation to travel oy private airlines other than Air India in the four sactors i.e. Jaipur-Jodhour-Jaipur, Jaipur-Udaipur-Jaipur, Jaipur-Bikaner-Jaipur, Mangalore-Bengaluru-Mangalore, which have not been mentioned in the list of sectors on which general/blanket relaxation has been accorded by Ministry of Civil Aviation.

2. The request for general/blanket -relaxation for above sectors has been examined in this Ministry. It has been decided that in any sector, where Air India is not operating, the officers are permitted to travel by Airlines other than Air India and no approval for relaxation/ exemption is required for this purpose.

3, This issues with the approval of Secretary (Civil Aviation).

(Chandra Kishore Shukla)
Under Secretary to Government of India
Tel: 24019282

Clarification on permission to travel by private airlines on the sectors where Air India does not operate its flight – Ministry of Civil Aviation OM dated 10.07.2017

Ms Annie G.Mathew,
Joint Secretary (Pers.)
Department of Expenditure
Ministry of Finance,
North Block,

Copy to: All Secretaries, Govt. of India
All Financial Advisors, Govt. of India


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