Special Sanction for Reimbursement of Medicines in view of COVID-19 | ECHS Order dated 01/01/2021

Special Sanction for Reimbursement of Medicines in view of COVID-19 | ECHS Order dated 01/01/2021

Special Sanction for Reimbursement of Medicines in view of COVID-19 | ECHS Order dated 01/01/2021

File No. 22D(19)/2020/WE/D(Res-1)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
Sena Bhawan, New Delhi-11

Dated the 01 January, 2021.


The Chief of Army Staff
The Chief of Naval Staff
The Chief of Air Staff


1. Further to MoD (DoESVV) letter No. 22D(19)/2020/WE/D(Res-I) dated 1st Oct 2020.

2. A onetime sanction for purchase of medicines and claim reimbursement was issued till 31st Dec 2020. In view of current situation of COVID-19 pandemic and restricted movements in containment zones, to promote social distancing and avoiding unnecessary exposure to ECHS beneficiaries to COVID-19 as well as minimizing footfall at ECHS Polyclinics, the ECHS beneficiaries having life style/chronic ailments/diseases on long treatment may purchase medicines till 28th February 2021 based on the prescription held (prescribed by doctor of Polyclinic/Service hospital/Empanelled hospital/Sehat OPD) irrespective of NA or otherwise. It is also clarified that the ECHS Polyclinics are functional and ECHS beneficiaries also have the option to collect medicines through ECHS Polyclinics as per normal practice, instead of purchasing from market, after taking prior appointment from respective OIC Polyclinic.

3. One time sanction is hereby accorded to reimburse the above expenditure under individual reimbursement of medical claims. The reimbursement will be done as per guidelines issued by CO, ECHS vide letter No. B/49761/AG/ECHS/Medicine Policy dated 18 May 2020 and even no. 21 July 2020.

4. This will be applicable beyond 31° Dec 2020 till 28″ February 2021.

5. This issue with the concurrence of MoD (Finance/Pension) — vide ID Note32(09)/2020/Fin/Pen dated 01.01 2021.

Sd/- (Dr. P.P. Sharma)
OSD (Res-II)

Copy to:

  1. PS to RM
  2. PPS to RRM
  3. CGDA, New Delhi.
  4. AG, IHQ of MoD (Army)
  5. COP, IHQ of MoD (Navy)
  6. AOA, IHQ of MoD (IAF)
  7. MD, ECHS

Copy for information to:

  1. PPS to Secretary, ESW
  2. PPS to JS (ESW)
  3. PPS to Addl FA & JS (RK)

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