British Council Scholarships for Women in STEM

British Council Scholarships for Women in STEM

British Council Scholarships for Women in STEM

केन्‍द्रीय विद्यालय संगठन
(Ministry of education Govt of India)
18- संस्‍थागत क्षेत्र /18 – Institutional Area
शहीद जीत सिंह मार्ग/Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg
नई दिल्‍ली/New Delhi – 110016

F.No. 11029/2021/KVS HQ/Acad./1818 -1845 Dated 17.02.2021

The Deputy Commissioner
All Regional Offices

Subject: – British Council Scholarships for Women in STEM -reg.



Shri S.K. Bhardwaj Section Officer MHRD, Shastri Bhavan New Delhi vide his e-mail dated 03.02.2021 has informed that British council has launched a scholarship programme British Council  Scholarships  for  Women   in STEM  in  partnership  with  UK  universities  aimed  at benefiting women from South Asia.

A range of programmes in STEM subjects are being offered by 8 UK Universities to women from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Afganistan.

The scholarship is to study a master’s degree in science, technology, engineering and mathematics STEM, by women who can demonstrate their need for financial support and who wish to inspire future generations of women to pursue careers in STEM.

Interested applicants are expected to apply to the UK University directly in the programme of their choice by end of March 2021 for their course. The exact deadlines, course details, eligibility criteria and other details of the scholarships applicants are requested to visit the website and the website of the university applying to.

The information on the scholarships programme  and   application process  is available at http:/ -work-abroad/in-uk/scholarship-women-stem

This may be brought to the notice  of all eligible and interested women teachers working in KVs under your jurisdiction.

This issues with the approval of the competent authority.

Yours faithfully,

Deputy Commissioner -II (Acad.)

Encl. As stated above

Copy to:-   ·

  1. Shri S.K.Bhardwaj -Section Officer MHRD, Shastri Bhavan New Deitii-110001 with reference to e-mail letter dated 03.02.2021.
  2. The Deputy Commissioner(EDP) Cell with the request to upload this letter on KVS website.

Deputy Commissioner – H(Acad.)

Source: KVS

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