Redressal of Public Grievances – CGDA order dated 22.02.2021

Redressal of Public Grievances – CGDA order dated 22.02.2021

Redressal of Public Grievances – CGDA order dated 22.02.2021

(Through Website)

कार्यालय, रक्षा लेखा महानियंत्रक,
उलान बटार मार्ग, पालम, दिल्‍ली छावनी – 110010
Controller General of Defence Accounts,
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt.-110010

F No. AN/Grievance/Reminders/2021 Dated: 22/02/2021


The Grievance Officer
O/o the PCsDA / CsDA / PCA (Fys)

Subject:- Effective and efficient redressal of public grievances is the fundamental to the citizen centric governance.

A copy of DO letter No. S-15/23/2020-PG(Centre-I)-(C.No.6717) dated 11.01.2021 from the Secretary, Dept. of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances, received through MoD (Fin) under their ID No. 10(5)/DAD-C/2021/T-3/96 dated 28.01.2021 on the above subject, is forwarded herewith for compliance of directions contained in the said DO letter.

2. While complying the directions contained in the said DO letter, special attention may be paid to the instructions given by the Hon’ble Prime Minister regarding analysing the underlying cause of the grievances from process, person & policy point of view so that appropriate intervention can be made to address the issue on sustainable basis. Thus the grievances are to be analysed to identify the problem areas and take preventive measures so that grievances
on same/similar issues do not arise in future.

Redressal of Public Grievances – Standard Operating Procedure issued by Finmin

Grievance Redressal Adalat: Formation of Grievance redressal forum in PCDA(CC) Lucknow

CGDA: Strengthening of Grievance Redressal Mechanism in the Department

3. Further, it is observed that some complaints are also being received & processed as grievances. In this regard, reference is sought to Para 5(i) of the SOP for Handling of Grievances, circulated vide HQrs circular dated 16.12.2020 {SI. No. 4376 on CGDA website} wherein it was requested to examine the nature of the grievance at first instance and if it was found to be a complaint only, the same should be processed accordingly and also initiate action for closure of the same on pg-portal. In case, unwarranted complaints/representations are allowed to remain pending on pg-portal in the form of grievances, the genuine grievances may not get appropriate attention & priority.

4. It is, therefore, again requested that all the pending grievances may be examined and suitable action taken for redressal of the same at the earliest. Top priority may please be given to clear backlogs, if any.

This issues with the approval of CGDA.

(Manish Tripathi)
Joint CGDA &
Public Grievance Officer

Copy to:-
1. All sections of HQrs Office : For information & necessary action please.
2. O I/c IT &S Section (Local) : For uploading on CGDA website please.

(Vinod Kumar)


Source: CGDA

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