Citizen Registration for Vaccination using Co-WIN application from the Post Office Common Service Centers(PO-CSCs) and Branch Post Office Common Service Centers(BO­ CSCs)

Citizen Registration for Vaccination using Co-WIN application from the Post Office Common Service Centers(PO-CSCs) and Branch Post Office Common Service Centers(BO­ CSCs)

Citizen Registration for Vaccination using Co-WIN application from the Post Office Common Service Centers(PO-CSCs) and Branch Post Office Common Service Centers(BO­ CSCs)

Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(RB & Pig Division)

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110001
Dated: 27.05.2021



Sub: This is regarding Citizen Registration and Appointment for Vaccination using Co-WIN application from the Post Office Common Service Centers(PO-CSCs) and Branch Post Office Common Service Centers(BO­ CSCs).

Ref: NIL

This is regarding Citizen Registration and Appointment for Vaccination using Co­-WIN application from the Post Office Common Service Centers (PO-CSCs) and Branch Post Office Common Service Centers (BO-CSCs). CSC had intimated that registration of COVID vaccination, has been introduced in the DOP CSC portal (https://cowin.csccloud.inlindex .jsp).Kindly see the detailed user guide attached on this.

As on 30.04.2021 we have 21446 PO-CSCs and 230 Pilot BO-CSCs. If the vaccination registration facility is provided to the public from these PO-CSCs and BO-CSCs, it will be very much beneficial as they can register for vaccine from their nearest Post office. Even though, this service is free of cost for the customer and is totally for the welfare purposes, by providing this service, DoP can fulfil its part of social obligation during the public health crisis, which in turn may result in increasing footfall and publicity of the DOP-CSC services.

In view of the above, it is requested to start providing this service with immediate effect.

This issues with the approval of competent authority.

Rajesh Singh

Rajesh Singh


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