De-empanelment of Gadkari Eye Centre, Sadhu Vaswani MMC, Disha Netralaya, Apollo Specialty Hospital & Contacare Eye Hospital from CGHS Pune panel

De-empanelment of Gadkari Eye Centre, Sadhu Vaswani MMC, Disha Netralaya, Apollo Specialty Hospital & Contacare Eye Hospital from CGHS Pune panel

De-empanelment of Gadkari Eye Centre, Sadhu Vaswani MMC, Disha Netralaya, Apollo Specialty Hospital & Contacare Eye Hospital from CGHS Pune panel

Office of the Additional Director
“Swasthya Sadan”, 2nd Floor Mukundnagar, Pune – 411 037.


Sub: De-empanelment of HCOs from CGHS Pune panel.

The following HCOs are de-empanelled w.e.f 01.10.2021. The reason for de-empanelment is mentioned below against their names.

S. No. Name of the HCO Reason for de-empanelment
1. Gadkari Eye Centre On request of the HCO
2. Sadhu Vaswani Mission’s Medical Complex (Inlaks & Budhrani) On request of the HCO.
3. Disha Netralaya Renewed/extended PBG not submitted after several correspondence from this office. (No response)
4. Apollo Speciality Hospital CGHS beneficiaries are not given

treatment by the HCO and also no response to this office correspondence.

 5. Contacare Eye Hospital On request of the HCO.

Additional Director
CGHS, Pune

  1. Concerned HCOs.
  2. All Govt. offices in and around Pune.
  3. The Chief Medical Officer-in-charge, CGHS Wellness Centre No. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, Polyclinic.
  4. The Hospital Empanelment Cel, CGHS, DGCGHS, New Delhi.
  5. The Pay & Accounts Officer, PAO, Mumbai.
  6. General Secretary, AICGHSEA, Pune.
  7. All Pensioners Association in Pune.
  8. Nodal Officer, Computerization – to upload to CGHS, Pune Website.
  9. All Stations in the Office of the Addl. Director.
  10. Office Order file.


Source:Click here to view/download PDF

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