Non-payment/Delay in payment of retirement benefits on account of delay in verification of Caste Certificate in respect of retiring employees : RBE No. 33/2022

Non-payment/Delay in payment of retirement benefits on account of delay in verification of Caste Certificate in respect of retiring employees : RBE No. 33/2022

Non-payment/Delay in payment of retirement benefits on account of delay in verification of Caste Certificate in respect of retiring employees : RBE No. 33/2022

R.B.E. No. 33 /2022

RAILWAY BOARD (रेलवे बोर्ड)

No. D-43/43/2020-F(E)III

New Delhi, dated: 22.03.2022.

The General Managers/Principal Financial Advisors,
All Zonal Railways/Production Units etc.,
DGs of RDSO and NAIR.

Sub:- Non-payment/Delay in payment of retirement benefits on account of delay in verification of Caste Certificate in respect of retiring employees – regarding.


A copy of Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare’’s (DOP&PW) OM No.38/09(02)/2020-P&PW(A)(6721) dated 30th November, 2021 is enclosed herewith which shall apply mutatis mutandis on the Railways. Rule 9 and Rule 69 of the Central Civil Services (Pension, Rules. 1972 correspond to Rule 9 and Rule 10 of the Railway Services (Pension) Rules 1993 respectively.

2. As desired by DOP&PW in para 5 of their O.M. dated 30.11.2021, a Quarterly Report may be furnished in the enclosed pro forma to Board’s Office Starting with the quarter ended on 31 12 2021. The report may be submitted before 07th of the next month of the completed quarter. In case there are nil cases, a ‘Nil Report’ be sent.

(Sanjay Prashar)
Deputy Director, Finance (Estt.) III,
Railway Board.

D.A.: As above

Non-payment/Delay in payment of retirement benefits on account of delay in verification of caste certificate in respect of retiring employees [Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare फा.न. 38/09(02) /2020-P&PW (A) (6721) dated: 30.11.2021]

No. D-43/43/2020-F(E)III

New Delhi, dated: 22.03.2022

Copy to Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General of India (Railways) Room No. 222, Rail Bhavan, New Delhi.

For Member Finance, Railway Board

Source: Click here to view/download PDF

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