Paperless working: e-Bills for supplies : Railway Board order dated 10.03.2022

Paperless working: e-Bills for supplies : Railway Board order dated 10.03.2022

Paperless working: e-Bills for supplies : Railway Board order dated 10.03.2022

रेलवे बोर्ड / RAILWAY BOARD

No. 2022/RS(M)/Paperless Working/1

New Delhi, dated:10.03.2022

The General Manager, All Indian Railways/PUs, NF(C), CORE
The DG/RDSO/Lucknow & NAIR/Vadodara
‘CAOs, DMW/Patiala, WPO/Patna, COFMOW/NDLS, RWP/Bela
Managing Director, CRIS

Sub.- Paperless working: e-Bills for supplies

Ref.- i) Railway Board’s circular No. 2021/RS(M)/Paperless Working dated 25.08.202
ii)Railway Board’s circular No. 2017/RS(M)/Paperless Working dated 20.02.2018

Vide Railway Board’s circular dated 20.02.2018, payment against e-Bills (submitted by vendors on IREPS) for supplies of stock items was implemented.

2.0 Further, vide Railway Board’s circular dated 25.08.2021, payment against e-Bills for supplies of non-stock items was implemented.

3.0 However, it has been observed that physical bills are still being dealt by some Railway units/bill paying units for making payments against supplies for stock/ non-stock items.

4.0 In order to achieve end to end paperless working in contract management, payment to vendors for supplies of stock as well as non-stock items should be done against e-Bills (Digitally signed bills submitted by vendors online through IREPS) and no physical/paper bills should be asked/dealt by the bill paying authorities.

This however shall not be applicable for bills for supplies against GeM contracts.

This is issued with the concurrence of Accounts Directorate of Railway Board.

(Gaurav Kumar)
Director RS(F)

No. 2022/RS(M)/Paperless Working/1

New Delhi, dated:10.03.2022.

  1. PFAs, All Indian Railways & Production Units
  2. The ADAI (Railways), New Delhi
  3. The Directors of Audit, All Indian Railways

For Member (Finance), Railway Board

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