Updation of Format ‘A’ of e-scroll – CPAO removed old Format A from their system and Banks will only be able to access revised Format A.

Updation of Format ‘A’ of e-scroll – CPAO removed old Format A from their system and Banks will only be able to access revised Format A.

Updation of Format ‘A’ of e-scroll – CPAO removed old Format A from their system and Banks will only be able to access revised Format A.

NEW DELHI-110066

CPAO/IT & Tech/Gallantry Award/26/2022-23 /172


Office Memorandum

Sub:- Updation of Format ‘A’ of e-scroll.

Attention is invited to CPAO’s OMs dated 03.08.2022 and 12.08.2022 wherein all Authorised Banks were requested to Carry Out modification in their system in order to capture data for Payment and recovery of pension/family pension on account of LTC to UT Chandigarh Pensioners/Family pensioners and payment and recovery of monetary allowances pertaining to Gallantry Awards and Police medals. All the CPPCs were subsequently directed to update their system for consumption of data from updated XML files by 01.09.2022.

It is noted that CPAO has not been informed of the present status of your system even after Many requests and granting the grace period of one month till 30.09.2022, it is assumed that necessary modification have been done in your system. It is informed that old Format A has been removed from CPAO’s system effective immediately and Banks will only be able to access revised Format A.

This issues with the approval of the competent authority.

(Amit Malhan)
(Dy. Controller of Accounts)


  1. Heads of CPPCs of all Authorised Banks
  2. Heads of GBDs of all Authorised Banks

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  2. PA to CA
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