Allocation of MBBS/BDS Seats from Central Pool for spouse and children of terrorist victims for the academic year 2022-23

Allocation of MBBS/BDS Seats from Central Pool for spouse and children of terrorist victims for the academic year 2022-23

Allocation of MBBS/BDS Seats from Central Pool for spouse and children of terrorist victims for the academic year 2022-23

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Time Bound

F.No. 17015/47/2022-CT-II
Government of India/भारत सरकार
Ministry of Home Affairs/ गृह मंत्रालय
CTCR Division/ सी.टी.सी.आर प्रभाग

81, North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 1st November, 2022


The Chief Secretaries,
All States/ Union Territories.

Subject: Allocation of MBBS/BDS Seats from Central Pool for spouse and children of terrorist victims for the academic year 2022-23.

Sir / Madam,

I am directed to forward herewith a copy of Guidelines issued by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare for allocation of Central Pool MBBS/BDS seats for spouse and children of civilian victims of terrorist for the academic year 2022-23. Eligibility criteria for selection of the candidates for the subject allocation is mentioned at para 3 (iii), 3.1 to 3.3 of the guidelines.

2. During the academic year 1.e. 2022-23, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has allotted four MBBS seats from the Central Pool for nomination of candidates from the category of Civilian Terrorist Victims. These four MBBS seats from the Central Pool will be allotted amongst the following institutes:-

(i) A.N. Magadh Medical College, Gaya, Bihar : 1 (one)
(ii) Grant Medical College, Mumbai, Maharashtra : 1 (one)
(iii) Pt. JNM Medical College, Raipur, Chattisgarh: 2 (two)

3. The following order of priority has been prescribed for allocation of MBBS seats to the wards of civilian victims of terrorism:-

(a) Priority-I: Children whose both parents have been killed by terrorists.
(b) Priority-II: Children of families whose sole bread earners has been killed by terrorists.
(c) Priority-III: Wards of victims with permanent disability and serious injury caused by terrorist operations.

4. It is intimated that this Ministry is not conducting any examination in this regard; the selection will be made only on the basis of marks obtained by the students in NEET-UG 2022 and possessing necessary educational qualification.

5. It is requested that the State Government (s) / Union Territory Administration (s) may kindly give wide publicity while inviting application (s) from eligible candidates as indicated above for the academic year 2022-23 for allocation of MBBS/BDS seats from Central Pool for spouse and children of terrorist victims. It may be ensured that complete application (s) of eligible candidates, in the enclosed prescribed format (Annexure-I), in duplicate enclosing all necessary documents in respect of their States/UTs are received alongwith due verification/ authentication and countersignatures of the Competent Authority.

6. It is requested that applications of eligible candidates under the category of Civilian Terrorist Victims, as indicated above, may be sent to the undersigned, latest by 15/11/2022, through scanned copies of application alongwith all documents, duly attested by Home Department of the concerned State/UT, to e-mail: rajeev.kumar67[at] and by speed post/registered post to: Rajeev Kumar, Under Secretary (CT-I]), Room No. 81, North Block, New Delhi-110001.

Encl: As Above

Yours faithfully,

(Rajeev Kumar)
Secretary to Government of India
Tel.No. 2309 3700
Telefax. 23092050



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