Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB)/Ad-Hoc Bonus for the year 2021-22 to the eligible employees of DoO(C&S) and allied Defence Production Establishments

Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB)/Ad-Hoc Bonus for the year 2021-22 to the eligible employees of DoO(C&S) and allied Defence Production Establishments

Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB)/Ad-Hoc Bonus for the year 2021-22 to the eligible employees of DoO(C&S) and allied Defence Production Establishments

Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Defence Production
Directorate of Ordnance (C&S)
10-A, S.K. Bose Road, Kolkata -700001
Coordination & Policy

No. 873/PLB/2021-22/Coord &Policy

Dated: 11/01/2023

(Through: COMNET)

DDG, Field Unit (Kanpur, Pune, Dehradun, Ambajhari, Kolkata, Avadi & Jabalpur)

Sub : Sanction for payment of Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB)/Ad-Hoc Bonus for the year 2021-22 — reg.

Ref : MoD letter No. 10(1)/2022-D(Estt./NG) dated 11 01.2023.


Vide the reference above, Ministry of Defence has conveyed the sanction for payment of PLB/Ad-hoc Bonus for the year 2021-22 (copy enclosed). Accordingly PLB equivalent to 17 days wages for initial six months i.e. from April’ 21 to September’ 21 with an overall ceiling of Rs. 7000/- per month (as per MoD Letter No. 48(4)/98/Di(B&C) dated 27.07.2000- copy enclosed – regarding PLB payable to teaching, staff, para 2(i) contained in the said letter may be noted) and non-PLB Bonus (Ad-hoc Bonus) for the rest of the six, months from Oct’ 21 to Mar’ 22 i.e. 15 days (Total 17+15 days = 32 days) wages which is payable to the eligible employees of DoO(C&S) & DAD as per the OM No. 7/24/2007/E.III(A) dated 06.10.2022 (Copy enclosed) issued by the DoE(MoF) for the FY 2021-22 with an overall ceiling of wages of Rs. 7000/- per month. PLB/Ad-hoc Bonus may be calculated taking average number of days per month as 30.4 days.

02. The expenditure will be debited to Class Code Head 804/02 and UCC 826 and to the respective Heads to which the Pay and Allowances of the employees of allied establishments are debited. The financial implications will be met from the existing sanctioned budget of FY 2022-23.

Encl.: As above

( Pankaj Kumar )
Dy. Director /C&P
For Director General Ordnance(C&S)



No.10(1)/ 2022-D(Estt/NG)
Government of India,
Ministry of Defence,
( Deptt. of Defence Production )
New Delhi

Dated: 11th Jan., 2023

The Director General Ordnance,
Directorate of Ordnance (C&S),
10A. S. K. Bose Road,
Kolkata-700 001.

The Controller General of Defence Accounts,
New Delhi.

The Director General of Quality Assurance.
New Delhi.

The Director General of Aeronautical Quality Assurance.
New Delhi.

Subject: Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus/ Ad-hoc bonus for the year 2021-22.

Madam / Sir,

I am directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter No.48(4)/98/D(B&C) dated 27th July, 2000 on the above subject and to convey the sanction of the President to the payment of Productivity Linked Bonus equivalent to 17 days wages for initial six months i.e from April’21 to September’21 for the year 2021-22 to the eligible employees of DoO(C&S) and allied Defence Production Establishments with an overall ceiling of wages of Rs. 7000/- per month Further. sanction of Non-PLB Bonus [Ad-hoc bonus] for rest of the six months from Oct 21 to March 22 is also conveyed for eligible employees of DoO(C&S) and DAD as per the OM No. 7/24/2007/E.III(A) dated 06.10.2022 issued by the Department of Expenditure (MoF) for the financial year 2021-22 with an overall ceiling of wages of Rs.7000/- per month. The PLB and Non-PLB are to be calculated taking average number of days per month as 30.4 days. Non-PLB Bonus (ad-hoc bonus) may be calculated as per clarification given at SI.No. (j) Annexed with the Department of Expenditure (MoF) OM dated 06.10.2022.

02. Payment of PLB and Non-PLB ( Ad-hoc bonus) to the casual labour will be made in accordance with MoD letter No.48(4)/98/D(B&C) dated 27%th July,2000 and Department of Expenditure (MoF) OM No. 7/24/2007/E.III(A) dated 06.10.2022

03. The expenditure will be debited to Class Code Head 804/02 and UCC 826 and to the respective Heads to which the pay and allowances of employees of allied establishments are debited. The financial implications on this account would be met from the existing sanctioned Budget of FY 2022-23.

04 This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance vide ID No.7-39/2007-E INA) (2937030/22) dated 06.01.2023 and MoD (Finance Division) vide N-30 dated 3G 99 2022 in MoD File No. 10(4 )/2022-D(Estt/NG).

(Satinder Kaur)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

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DFA(DP-I) — for information pl.

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