Submission of Immovable Property Return for the year 2022 (as on 31.12.2022) in respect of all CLS Gr.-“A” Officers – Min. of Labour and Employment order dated 11.01.2023

Submission of Immovable Property Return for the year 2022 (as on 31.12.2022) in respect of all CLS Gr.-“A” Officers – Min. of Labour and Employment order dated 11.01.2023

Submission of Immovable Property Return for the year 2022 (as on 31.12.2022) in respect of all CLS Gr.-“A” Officers – Min. of Labour and Employment order dated 11.01.2023


No. C-29021/01/2023-CLS (Vig.)
Government of India
Ministry of Labour and Employment

New Delhi, the dated 11 January, 2023


Subject :– Submission of Immovable Property Return for the year 2022 (as on 31.12.2022) in respect of all CLS Gr.-“A” Officers – reg.

In terms of Rule 18 of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, the Immovable Property Return (IPR) for the year 2022 (as on 31 .12,2022) is required to be furnished by the CLS Officers latest by 31.01.2023. Non-submission of the AIPR within the Stipulated time period would invite denial of vigilance clearance to the “CLS Officers for empanelment, deputations and cadre clearance applying to sensitive post etc.

2. Therefore, all CLS Gr.-“A” Officers should file their AIPR for the year 2022 (as on 31.12.2022) to CLS (Vig.) Section well in time latest by 31.01.2023 positively for vigilance record. IPRs received beyond the stipulated date shall not be regarded as conforming to the extant guidelines.

Signed by Kapil Dev
Date: 11-01-2023 16:14:47
(Kapil Dev)
Section Officer


NIC with request to upload it on the Ministry’s website.

Copy with the request to circulate/upload on the website of CLC(C) and DGLW respectively :-

  1. Shri Kuldeep Dixit,
    Under Secretary,
    Adm. I Section,
    O/o CLC(C), New Delhi.
  2. Shri Sudip Dutta
    Under Secretary,
    DGLW, Jaisalmer House, New Delhi.

Copy also to :

Shri Dhananjay Sharma,
Under Secretary, CLS-I Section,
Ministry of Labour and Employment.

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