Clarification in respect of expansion of clientele base of PLI to include Graduates/Diploma Holders

Clarification in respect of expansion of clientele base of PLI to include Graduates/Diploma Holders

Clarification in respect of expansion of clientele base of PLI to include Graduates/Diploma Holders

भारत सरकार
संचार मंत्रालय, डाक विभाग
डाक जीवन बीमा निदेशालय
चाणक्यपुरी डाक घर परिसर, चाणक्यपुरी, गई दिल्ली-100021
Government of India
Ministry of Communications, Department of Posts
Chanakyapuri Post Office Complex. Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110021

F. No: 25-01/2022-LI

Dated: 15.03.2023

Subject: Clarification in respect of expansion of clientele base of PLI – reg

This is regarding the expansion of clientele of Postal Life Insurance to include Graduates/Diploma Holders issued vide PLI directorate OM No. 25-01/2022-LI dated 01.12.2022.

2. In this connection, certain queries have been received regarding eligibility of Graduates/Diploma holders for the benefits of PLI. These have been examined in PLI Directorate and the following is clarified:

Sl. No. Issue Clarification
(i) Whether benefits of PLI are available to Graduates/ Diploma holders from a foreign university Any person holding graduate degree/diploma from a foreign university may be allowed the benefits of PLI, only if the graduate degree/diploma from foreign university is recognized as equivalent graduate degree/ diploma by the Association of Indian University (AIU).
(ii) Provide guidelines for accepting new PLI proposal of Graduates/ Diploma holder in which customer provide Final year Mark instead of Degree or provisional passing
It has been decided to accept PLI proposals on the basis of provisional certificate or final year mark sheet subject to fulfilment of all other/ prevailing conditions issued vide PLI directorate OM No. 25-01/2022-LI dated 01.12.2022.

3. This issues with approval of the competent authority.

(Gurvinder Singh)
Deputy Divisional Manager – I

All HoCs


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