Policy regarding regularisation, confirmation and inactivation of Sportspersons recruited against Sports Quota: SECR Estt. Rule No. 66/2023

Policy regarding regularisation, confirmation and inactivation of Sportspersons recruited against Sports Quota: SECR Estt. Rule No. 66/2023

Policy regarding regularisation, confirmation and inactivation of Sportspersons recruited against Sports Quota: SECR Estt. Rule No. 66/2023

South East Central Railway
1st FLOOR, GM’s OFFICE, BILASPUR (C.G.) 495004

No. P-HQ/RUL/101/3

dtd 10.03.2023

Estt Rule No. 66/2023

All concerned/SECR.

Sub: Policy regarding regularisation, confirmation and inactivation of Sportspersons recruited against Sports Quota.

Re: 1. RBE No. 189/2010 ( Estt Rule No. 23/2011).
2. RBE No. 95/2016 (Estt Rule No.141/2016).

1. In terms of para 8.3 of RBE No. 189/2010 (circulated vide Estt Rule No. 23/2011) and reiterated vide RBE No. 95/2016 ( Estt Rule No. 141/2016), the candidates getting appointment against Sports Quota will have to undergo a probation period of two years and their confirmation in service will be subject to successful completion of the probation period to be adjudged by the Committee nominated for the purpose. These instructions are reproduced below in verbatim:

1.1 All the candidates getting appointment through Sports Quota will undergo Probation Period of two years.

1.2. Probation period of a sportsperson shall not be completed till he/she acquire the minimum educational qualification, if recruited by granting relaxation in minimum educational qualification.

1.3. Before completion of the probation period, the performance of the sportsperson shall be reviewed at the Railway/Unit level by a three members Committee comprising:-

i) President/Hony. General Secretary of the Sports Association of Zonal Railway/Unit;

ii) A personnel officer of Sr. Scale/JAG level ; and

iii) Captain/Coach of the particular discipline.

1.4 If the performance of a person recruited on sports account is considered to be unsatisfactory, the probation period will be extended maximum up to two years and the person will have to improve his/her performance to get confirmed in appointment. Even after extended probation, if the performance is found unsatisfactory, then normal procedure will be followed for termination, before the completion of extended probation.

1.5 For review of cases involving sportsperson recruited in intermediate grades, with Board’s approval, one nominee of the RSPB, shall also be associated with the aforesaid Committee.

recruitment of sportspersons in indian railways

2. In order to comply with the above instructions , following guidelines are issued:

2.1 The Screening Committee as specified in para 1.3 above shall be constituted at Headquarter level. The Committee shall meet once in a financial year, preferably in the month of January. All cases of sportspersons, including cases of Divisions/Units, recruited against Sports Quota in the previous financial years who are going to complete two. years service alongwith all older cases required for confirmation, shall be referred to the Screening Committee for review.

2.2 Such cases which were not considered fit for confirmation by the screening committee during the last year and which are yet to be finalised, shall also be referred to the screening committee for the current year.

2.3 While referring the cases to the screening committee, D&A status, available APARs, performance and conduct of the individual sportsperson in the relevant sports field during the last two financial years, may be furnished.

2.4 The section dealing with the cases of out of turn promotion/incentives of sportspersons in PCPO office, shall process the cases of confirmation in consultation with the sports cell. In order to smooth processing of the cases of confirmation at HQ, Divisions/Units may forward all such cases, complete in all respects, to PCPO office by the end of the first week of January every year.

2.5. The screening committee shall examine and evaluate the overall performance of a sports person based on details referred to it vide para-2.3 above and make recommendation as to whether the sportsperson is fit/not fit for confirmation in recruitment grade.

2.6 Incase the screening committee considers that performance of the sportsperson is not satisfactory and there is further scope of improvement in performance, it may recommend for extension of the probation period for a further period of not exceeding two years as per extant instructions stipulated in para 1.4 above. However, such cases may also be referred to the screening committee every year during the extended period of probation.

2.7 Recommendation of the screening committee may be put up before the competent authority i.e. PCPO for approval who may make such recommendation as deemed fit.

2.8 On approval of the recommendation of the screening committee by the competent authority as referred above, a suitable office order in respect of both fit/unfit 3 sportspersons may be issued by the personnel branch clearly indicating as to whether the sportsperson is confirmed or not. Besides above, the cases recommended for  extended period of probation (if any) may also be indicated in the office order. :

2.9 Incase performance of a sportsperson doesn’t improve even in the extended period of probation, further action may be taken in terms of para 1.4 above.

3. Inactivation of Sportspersons: Performance of sportspersons in the relevant sports field shall continued to be reviewed by the same screening committee every year notwithstanding the fact that they have been confirmed in service. For this, separate list of all active sportspersons who have been confirmed in service may also be referred to the screening committee for consideration. While referring such cases to the screening committee, the concerned sports cell shall furnish the details of performance of each sportsperson during the sports events held during the last year.

3.1. The screening committee, after evaluating the performance of such sportspersons, shall make recommendation as to whether the sportsperson may be considered as active player or he/she may be declared as an inactive player. Further action may be taken in terms of para 2.7 above and a suitable office order may be issued by the Personnel Branch incorporating the name of such sportspersons who have been approved as inactive players as per recommendation of the screening committee.

3.2. Once a sportsperson is declared an inactive player, he/she will be treated as a common employee for all purposes and no more facility admissible to an active sportsperson on sports ground shall be admissible to him/her.

4. Model proforma (Annexure-‘A’ & Annexure-‘B’) separately for screening of sportspersons during probation period for their confirmation in service as well as their continuation as active sportspersons after their confirmation in service are enclosed herewith for guidance.

5. This issues in consultation with the President/Hony. General Secretary/ SECRSA and with the approval of PCPO.

Encl: As above

Ashok Kr Sharma
Dy Chief Personnel Officer (IR)

Source : Click to view/download PDF

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