Withdrawal of No-Guarantee National Pension Scheme (NPS) and to restore back the Defined-Guaranteed Old Pension Scheme (OPS) to the Central Govt. and State Govt. employees

Withdrawal of No-Guarantee National Pension Scheme (NPS) and to restore back the Defined-Guaranteed Old Pension Scheme (OPS) to the Central Govt. and State Govt. employees

Withdrawal of No-Guarantee National Pension Scheme (NPS) and to restore back the Defined-Guaranteed Old Pension Scheme (OPS) to the Central Govt. and State Govt. employees


Chairman Secretary General
R.P. Tewari
Ministry of Railways
Mobile : 9794863036
email: [email protected]
Bhaskar Bhattacharya
Ministry of Finance
Mobile : 8902198888
email [email protected]

No, CCGGOO/2022-23/Communication

Dated: 25-03-2075


The Office Bearers of the CHQ,
The Presidents/ Secretaries Generals of all constituent Organizations,
The Presidents and General Secretaries/Convenors of all State Units,

Dear Comrades,

Sub: Demand to withdraw the No-Guarantee National Pension Scheme (NPS) and to restore back the Defined-Guaranteed Old Pension Scheme (OPS) to the Central Govt. and State Govt. employees – reg.

Introduction of National Pension Scheme w.e.f. 01-01-2004 is probably the severest attack on the rights of the Government Employees, which could be achieved through prolonged struggle of our predecessors even at the cost of their life, in many years. The move was vehemently opposed right from the beginning and the protests have since been continued. But we must admit that despite the protests and agitational programmes demanding scrapping of New Pension Scheme at various level, organized by all service associations representing the affected employees in the past, the vigour and the intensity of the programmes could not probably attain the scale, which ought to have been required to force the competent authority to take a note of the grievances and give a serious thought for scrapping of NPS.

But there are two developments noticed in the recent past which I need to mention. Firstly, what has so far been brushed aside by the authority, labelling it as a misplaced apprehension is gradually emerging as the dark reality. At the end of each month, in every Central Government Department, some NPS beneficiaries are now retiring after serving the country for quite a reasonable period but with only a meagre amount of assured post-retirement monthly income, clearly denying them a dignified retired life. Therefore, it is now clearly established that the danger of NPS is no more a far-fetched apprehension, but hard reality, which a significant part of our present colleagues may have to face, if the situation prevails. It definitely sends the shock-wave among the employees across the Departments and has triggered the much required ‘now or never’ attitude on.

Secondly, the myth that Old Pension Scheme can never be re-introduced scrapping NPS has recently been busted, as few State Governments have either re-introduced OPS scrapping NPS or are seriously contemplating to introduce the same. Because this issue of denial of the right of a Government Employee to have a dignified retired life is no more restricted within the closed circle of the Government Employees but it has spread among the ordinary citizens across the Country as a major talking point, among the political classes as a crucial point to ponder and also among the mainstream media even for discussion during the prime time.

So, at this juncture, when the issue has already taken the Centre stage, the first and foremost duty for all of us is to unite and intensify the demand of scrapping NPS. NJCA constituted a Joint Forum for Restoration of Old Pension Scheme (JFROPS) and organized a convention with the call “Scrap NPS and Restore the Defined Old Pension’. The Forum adopted certain decisions, which includes sending a memorandum to the Hon’ble President of India. It has also initiated a programme of collecting signatures of the Government Employees and their family members in support of the demand, which is still on in case of most of the constituent organizations of the NJCA.

You all appreciate that on the issue of NPS, there cannot be any differentiation between staff members and the officers including Direct Recruits, as all NPS beneficiaries are going to be affected in the similar manner irrespective of the grade and pay level and only a united voice can force the competent authority to pay heed to the employees’ demands.

Therefore, I appeal to the leaderships of all our constituent organizations to send a Memorandum to the Hon’ble President of India requesting her kind intervention in the matter. We are enclosing herewith the draft Memorandum to be submitted through online to the President of India (at [email protected]) by all constituent Organizations of CCGGOO in their respective letter-heads and signed by the all India Presidents/Secretary Generals. The Memorandum may be sent online on 30-03-2023 by all Organizations.

I also request all constituent Organizations of CCGGOO to keep in touch with the leaderships of NJCA constituents of their own Departments, try to forge an informal /formal alliance/common platform on the issue of scrapping NPS and participate in the programmes of the NJCA including the signature campaign in this regard, wherever and in whichever form possible on the basis of the organizational convenience and strength.

At the same time, the constituent organizations may put in all-out efforts to sensitize, inform and educate all their members regarding the danger of NPS, the need for joint struggle and programmes to be organized so as to ensure maximum participation. It is also advisable that the leaderships of the constituent organizations should utilize this opportunity to bring out the best in all members, especially the junior ones. We are also in touch with the NJCA leadership and keep our constituent organizations informing on this issue, whenever required.

Comradely yours,

Secretary General



The Hon’ble President of India,
Rashtrapati Bhavan,
New Delhi- 110 004

Most Respected Madam,

Subject: Respectful Appeal to the Hon’ble President of India to withdraw the No-Guarantee National Pension Scheme (NPS) and to restore back the Defined-Guaranteed Old Pension Scheme (OPS) to the Central Govt. and State Govt. employees.

With fervent hope, we submit this Appeal/Memorandum to your honor for your kind intervention. The Government of India replaced the Defined-Guaranteed Pension Scheme under the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 with a No-Guarantee Contributory Pension Scheme, namely, National Pension System (NPS) for the Central Government Employees recruited on or after 01-01-2004 and the same scheme was implemented by some of the State Governments also. The Staff Side of the National Council (JCM) for Central Government Employees and the Unions/Federations and Associations of both Central, State Government Employees and Teachers are opposing the NPS since the returns from the Pension Fund from NPS is subject to the trend of the market. After 18 years of the implementation of NPS it is clearly revealed that the Pension from the NPS is very meager when compared to the Old Pension Scheme, where in 50% of the last pay of the employee is paid as Guaranteed Pension. The Government Employees both Central & States contribute a lot for the economic and Industrial growth of the Country apart from generating revenue and implementing all the Government Policies and decisions. Such employees after retirement in their old age cannot be left to the mercy of the market. The Government Employees and their family members after retirement deserves a decent and dignified retired life and right to live under Article 21 of the Constitution of India. Therefore, we request your honour to kindly intervene in this serious matter and advice the Government of India to withdraw the No-Guarantee NPS and to restore back the Defined and Guaranteed Old Pension Scheme to all the Central Government, State Government Employees, Teachers and their family members for which act of kindness we all will be grateful to you honour.



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