Bhardwaj Hospital Noida – Revision of Services as per Scope of NABH Accreditation : CGHS office order dated 27.03.2023

Bhardwaj Hospital Noida – Revision of Services as per Scope of NABH Accreditation : CGHS office order dated 27.03.2023

Bhardwaj Hospital Noida – Revision of Services as per Scope of NABH Accreditation : CGHS office order dated 27.03.2023

मिशिल संख्‍या 5-6/के.स.स्‍वा.यो. (मु.)/अस्‍पताल पैनल प्रकोष्‍ठ/2023/678-703

भारत सरकार GOVT. OF INDIA
अपर निदेशक का कार्यालय
के०स०स्‍वा०यो० (मुख्‍यालय), सी.जी.एच.एस. भवन
C.G.H.S. (HQ), CGHS Bhawan
सेक्‍टर-13, आर. के. पुरम, नई दिल्‍ली’110066
Sector – 13, R K Puram, New Delhi-66

Dated: 27/03/2023


Subject: – Revision of Services as per Scope of NABH Accreditation in r/o Bhardwaj Hospital (Hospital ID: HOSP9P127163), NH-1, Sector-29, Noida — 201301.

With reference on the above subject, approval is hereby granted to Bhardwaj Hospital (Hospital ID: HOSP9P 127163), NH-1, Sector-29, Noida — 201301, empanelled under CGHS Delhi/NCR, as a NABH accredited Hospital for addition of the following services as per NABH Scope of Accreditation.

Revised Scope of Accreditation:

Clinical Services: Anesthesiology, Cardiology (Non-invasive), Dermatology and Venereology, Dental, Family Medicine, General Medicines including Geriatrics, General Surgery, Medical Gastroenterology, Nephrology including Dialysis, Neurology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Orthorpaedic Surgery including Joint Replacement Surgery and Sports Medicine, Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology, Paediatrics including Neonatology, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Psychiatry (Only OPD), Respiratory Medicine including Emergency Medicine and Critial Care, Surgical Gastroenterology, Surgical Oncology, Urology. Diagnostics Services: 2D Echo, Audiometry, Bone Densitometry, CT Scan, EEG, Holter Monitoring, Spirometry, Tread Mill Testing, Ultrasound, X-ray. Laboratory Services: Clinical Bio-Chemistry, Clincal Microbiology and Serology, Clinical Pathology, Cytopathology, Haematology, Haemato Pathology, Histopathology. Other Services: Blood Transfusions Services, Dietetics, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Psychology, Speech and Language Therapy.

2. The other terms and conditions of empanelment shall remain unchanged.

(Dr. Manoj Jain)
Additional Director, CGHS (HQ)

Copy to:

  1. Medical Superintendant, Bhardwaj Hospital, NH-1, Sector-29, Noida — 201301.
  2. All Ministries/Department Government of India.
  3. Director, CGHS Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.
  4. Addl. DDG (HQ)/All Additional Directors/Joint Directors of CGHS cities outside Delhi.
  5. All Pay & Accounts Officers under CGHS.
  6. Additional Director (HQ)/Addl. Director SZ/CZ/EZ/NZ/MSD, New Delhi.
  7. JD(Gr.VAD (R&H)YAD (Admin.), CGHS Delhi.
  8. CGHS Desk-I/Desk-II/CGHS-I/CGHS-H/Dte. GHS, Nirman Bhawn, New Delhi.
  9. Estt.I/Estt.II/Eastt.II/Eastt.IV Section, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.
  10. Admin.I/Admin.II section of Dte. GHS.
  11. Rajya Sabha/Lok Sabha Secretariat.
  12. Registrar, Supreme Count of India/Punjab & Haryana High Court, Chandigarh.
  13. UPSC
  14. Finance Division.
  15. Deputy Secretary (Civil Service News) DoPT 5th Floor, Sardar Patel Bhawan, ND.
  16. PPS to Secretary, (H&FW)/Secretary (AYUSH)/Secretary (HR), Secretary (AIDS Control), MoH&FW.
  18. Swamy Publishers (P) ltd. PB No. 2468, RA Puram, Chennai 600028.
  19. Shri Umraomal Purohit, Secretary, Staff Side, 13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi.
  20. All Staff Side Members of Nation Council (JCM) (as per list attached).
  21. Office of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India, 10 bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi.
  22. All Offices/Sections/ Desk in the Ministry.
  23. Nodal Officer, National Health Authority, CGHs Section, 3rd, 7th & 9th Floor, Tower-L, Jeevan Bharti Building, Connaught Place, New Delhi 10001.
  24. Sr. Technical Director, NIC, MOHFW, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi with the request to upload on the website of the CGHS.
  25. Office Order folder.

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